Cash Flow Statement是一种财务报表,用于记录企业在特定期间内的现金流入和流出情况,以及现金的净增减额。它反映了企业的现金流量状况和现金管理能力。下面是现金流量表通常包含的内容和其作用: 经营活动现金流量(Cash Flows from Operating Activities):这部分记录了企业在经营活动中产生的现金流量。它包括与主营业务相关...
现金流量表中英文Cash Flow Statement 现金流量表CashFlowStatement PreparedBy:Period:2020 行次Line 项 目Item No.金 一、经营活动产生的现金流量:Cas销h售Fl商o品w、fr提om供O劳pe务ra收ti到ng的A现ct金ivities Cashfromsellingcommoditiesorofferinglabor 1 收收到到的的税其费他返与还经营R活efu动nd有...
Cash Flow Statement| 现金流量表 术语解释: A cash flow statement is a financial statement that presents the cash inflows and outflows of a company during a specific accounting period. It provides a clear and detailed account of how cash is generated and utilized by the company from its operatin...
特斯拉最新的季度财报里面,有个 cash flow statement 现金流的报表, 里面有一栏叫 deferred revenue, 1.95 亿美元,这里大部分就是来自 fsd 自动驾驶功能的现金流,但在会计准则上还暂时无法算成收入 (因为产品功能还未完全彻底交付)。这部分现金流预计下面几个季度还会持续增长。 这里有个关键,就是特斯拉已经建立了可...
CFS cash flow statement 现金流量表 两端是时间节点,中间是一段时间 3个cfs的对于投资者的例子 -20w, 接下来十二个月,- 70w, 最后-80w. 中间+ 10 w.。70 & 10是operating cash flow. operating cash flow的支出如果差距很大,要思考为什么。 2.买了10w的资产,准备用10年。depreciation = 1 w, 最后值 ...
Cash flow statementprepared using the direct method has a significant drawback. 现金流量表编制使用直接的方法有重大缺陷. 互联网 Finally, summarizes the studies on thecash flow statementof investors. 最终据此, 总结研究确定现金流量表在投资者决策中的实用性. ...
as it shows whether the business has enough liquid cash to pay its dues and invest in assets. You cannot interpret a company’s performance just by looking at the cash flow statement. You may need to analyse long term trends after referring tobalance sheetandincome statementin order to get ...
现金流量表中英文(cash flow statement)现金流量表 编制单位:A公司2009年6月 项目 一、经营活动产生的现金流量:销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金:收到的税费返还:ITEM 1.Cashflowfromoperatingactivities:Cashreceivedfromsalesofgoodsorrendingofservices 行次 1389101213182021 RefundoftaxandlevyOthercashreceivedrelatingto...