Cash flow from investing activities (CFI) is one of the sections on the cash flow statement that reports how much cash has been generated or spent from various investment-related activities in a specific period. Investing activities include purchases of physical assets, investments in securities, or...
2. Cash flow from investing (CFI) reflects a company's purchases and sales of capital assets. CFI reports the aggregate change in the business cash position as a result of profits and losses from investments in items like plant and equipment. These items are considered long-term investments in...
2. Cash flow from investing (CFI) reflects a company's purchases and sales of capital assets. CFI reports the aggregate change in the business cash position as a result of profits and losses from investments in items like plant and equipment. These items are considered long-term investments in...
2. Cash flow from investing (CFI) reflects a company's purchases and sales of capital assets. CFI reports the aggregate change in the business cash position as a result of profits and losses from investments in items like plant and equipment. These items are considered long-term investments in...
二、投资活动产生的现金流量: CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES、收回投资所收到的现金 Cash received from disposal of investments、取得投资收益所收到的现金 Cash received from returns on investments、处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产所收回的现金净额、NetCashReceivedFromDisposalOfFixedAssets,IntangibleAsse...
·Investing activities include purchases of physical assets, investments in securities, or the sale of securities or assets. 投资活动包括购买实物资产、投资证券、出售证券或资产。 ·Negative cash flow from investing activities might not be a bad sign if management is investing in the long-term health...
2. Cash flow from investing (CFI) reflects a company's purchases and sales of capital assets. CFI reports the aggregate change in the business cash position as a result of profits and losses from investments in items like plant and equipment. These items are considered long-term investments in...
Rough Proxy:corresponds to long-termassets...but not exactly true, since investments within Current Assets can also show up here Cash Flow from Financing (CFF) 筹资活动产生的现金流量:Items related to debt, dividends, and issuing or repurchasing shares show up here ...
Cash flow from investing is listed on a company's cash flow statement and includes any inflows or outflows of cash from a company's long-term investments.
An item on the cash flow statement belongs in the investing activities section if it is the result of any gains (or losses) from investments in financial markets and operatingsubsidiaries. An investing activity also refers to cash spent on investments in capital assets such asproperty, ...