商业折扣(英文叫Trade Discount)是买东西的是商家给予的折扣,就是平常说的打折。一件衣服,标价1000块钱,我看你长的这么帅,给你打个折,800块钱卖给你了,那就是20%的商业折扣。 现金折扣(英文叫Cash Discou…
cash discount是指为了鼓励客户早日付款而给的优惠。比如30天内付款优惠2%,60天内付款优惠1%。对于这类...
cash discount是指为了鼓励客户早日付款而给的优惠。比如30天内付款优惠2%,60天内付款优惠1%。对于这类...
cash discount和settlement discount是基本相同的,都是提前付款,或者现金付款所享受的优惠,原理是相同的,卖家希望快点收回钱,所以你付钱越早给您的优惠越多;这个的处理方法是将折扣部分作为费用处理; trade discount通常是针对促销活动一类的,比如买2件减100元钱这种,或者买100件单价就降低3块钱,也...
什么是trade discount,cash discount,settlement discoun如题 谢谢... cash discountsettlement discount基本相同都提前付款或者现金付款所享受优惠原理相同... 面比: Cash Discount Trade Discount Is a reduction granted by supplier ... Pls, send me quotation for the nº2 and nº3 of BELLOTA是什么意思...
ロングマン現代英英辞典のTradeトピックのcash discount | LDOCE | Tradeについて必要な情報: 単語と語句、表現 | Trade
This article deals with the difference between Trade discount and Cash discount, which are the types of discounts offered by businesses. Learn more, here
Cash Discount on Sales Cash discount is the discount offered by seller for paying cash early. Cash discount is only offered on credit sales where the...
The trade is usually done with bonds that are trading atparor at adiscount, and a single-name CDS (as opposed to anindexCDS) of atenorequal to the maturity of the bond. Cash-and-Carry Trades in the Options Market In the options market, an example of a carry trade is abox spread....
What Is an Example of a DCF Calculation? You have a discount rate of 10% and an investment opportunity that would produce $100 per year for the following three years. Your goal isto calculate the value today—the present value—of this stream of future cash flows. Since money in the fut...