also known as the Boston Box or Grid, places an organization's businesses or products into one of four categories: star, question mark, dog, and cash cow.1The matrix helps firms understand where their business
波士顿矩阵中四个象限分别是: 问题类产品(Question Mark)——销售增长率高、市场占有率低的产品群 明星类产品(Star)——销售增长率和市场占有率“双高”的产品群 瘦狗类产品(Dog)——销售增长率和市场占有率“双低”的产品群 金牛类产品(Cash Cow)——销售增长率低、市场占有率高的产品群 在影视业中,指的是...
Risk of becoming Outdated:In case the product of the cash cow unit becomes outdated or off-market, the business unit will start losing its market share and profits, thereby moving to the dog category. Market Share Maintenance:The company must maintain quality and delivery annually to retain cons...
大概意思说,cash cow是增长-份额BCG矩阵中的四个类别(象限)之一,代表在成熟行业中拥有大量市场份额的...