While people find ways to make the most of the cash back cards available, you might not have the same experience with their cards. You’ll want to design your strategy around your spending habits and consider how much work and planning you’re willing to put in. Here are some Reddit ...
Finding ways to save money on everyday purchases is always a good idea. Cash back apps are a great tool to help you get some of your money back (and evenfree gift cards) on things you buy all the time. These apps can reward you with cash, points, gift cards, or discounts just for...
The r/CreditCards subreddit is popular with card hackers who might carry a dozen or more cards and excel at squeezing maximum rewards out of them all, so it's common to see suggestions that point to fairly obscure cash back cards or even travel rewards cr...
Best Cash back credit cards are a great way to be rewarded for all of your purchases in the form of a percentage of your purchase - usually around 1% to 2%, but sometimes more - that you receive back from the credit card company later. Find credit cards
We encourage constructive feedback Here are 8 tips for writing great reviews. We verify companies and reviewers Verification can help ensure real people write reviews about real companies. We advocate against bias Offering incentives for reviews or asking for them selectively can bias the TrustScore,...
Is there a quick and up-to-date chart anywhere showing the value of points for popular business cards with good signup bonuses when redeemed for statement credit or cash back? I'm focusing on Chase to start since they seem popular. Based on quick googling, it looks like so...
To start, head to their website and find the “Magic Receipts” section. Take a picture of your receipt from places like grocery stores, drugstores, or restaurants. Each receipt earns you points. For instance, you might earn 50 cents cash back on eggs or $5 back on shampoo. You can la...
Closeup of Female feet with red stiletto heels shoes on white background Top of the Feet Close-ups of the top of the feet. Bottom of the Feet Here, the focus is on the soles of the feet. Close-ups are ideal. Arch The arch is the image’s main focus – the higher the arch, the...
Reddit Email Summary: Today's Highest Online CD Rates - January 2025 Bank InstitutionProduct TermInterest Rate (APY) Finworth, a division of InsBank1-Year4.55%APY with $50,000 minimum TotalDirect, a division of City National Bank of Florida1-Year4.50%APY with $25,000 minimum ...
Back in those times, running Linux on the desktop was even more of an adventure than it has been since then, and I always foundGNUCashto be strange (possibly a theme with me and personal finance software), but generally fine. It doesn’t seem to have changed a great deal in the years...