It's also possible to cash the postal money order at the bank or credit union where you have an account. Just as you would at the post office, you'll need to sign the money order in front of the teller and provide a valid ID. You'll also need to give the teller your account num...
If someone gives you a postal money order as payment, you can take it to a post office to cash. Rural carriers can also cash money orders if they have the funds on hand. If a money order is damaged, you can take it and the receipt for its purchase to a post office, and they wil...
cash a cheque/postal order/draft etc BFBto exchange a cheque etc for the amount of money it is worth兑换支票/邮政汇票/汇票等 Traveller’s cheques can be cashed at most hotels for a small charge. 大多数酒店都可以兑换旅行支票,收取少量手续费。
cash a cheque / postal order / draft etc,to exchange a cheque etc for the amount of money it is worth 把支票/邮政汇票/汇票等兑成现金: 【例句】 Traveller's cheques can be cashed at most hotels for a small charge. 旅行支票在大多数酒店都可以兑换成现金,但是要支付一小笔手续费。
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishcash a cheque/postal order/draft etctoexchangeachequeetc for the amount of money it isworthTraveller’s cheques can be cashed at most hotels for a small charge.Where can I get this cashed?→cash ...
In most cases, you can also avoid fees by taking your money order to the issuer. For instance, there’s no fee tocash a postal money orderat the post office. But call the individual office first to make sure it’s able to cash money orders and doesn’t charge a fee. ...
Experts always advise people to build up a cash reserve.a cash crop(=a crop grown to sell rather than to use)The land is used to grow cash crops like cocoa, tea, and coffee.phrasesbe strapped for cash(alsobe short of cash)(=not have enough money)Many airlines are strapped for cash ...
Can I pay by cheque?对不起,我身边没带现钱,能不能用支票支付?钱 short of cash 缺钱 He is rolling in cash.他很有钱。cash vt.兑现;付款 to cash a cheque 兑付支票cash in 靠…赢利;赚钱;利用 Can you cash this postal order for me now?你现在能帮我兑现这张邮政汇票吗?cash ...
Union money order at retail stores with Western Union services and you can cash postal money orders at a post office. To cash a money order, the recipient may be required to present some sort of identification to prove that he or she is actually the person the money order is addressed to...
5.You will have a reduction forcash. 付现可以打折扣。 6.All the bank money was converted intocash. 所有的银行票据都兑换成了现。 7.Can youcashthis postal order for me now? 你现在能帮我兑现这张邮政汇票吗? 8.Are you payingcashor is this a charge?