Aleksandra GajicDepartment of EconomicsDavid CameronDepartment of EconomicsJeremiah HurleyDepartment of EconomicsThe European Journal of Health EconomicsGajic A, Cameron D, Hurley J (2012) The cost-effectiveness of cash versus lottery incentives for a web-based, stated-preference community survey. Eur ...
tax law, he either couldn’t afford the tax bill or didn’t want to pay that cost for what was still a lottery ticket — when you exercise your options, you’re effectively taxed on the difference between the current valuation and the strike price. Even if the company has a successful ...
Considering that there may be a contingency in using "regional welfare lottery sales" as the basis for dividing the strength of regional gambling culture, we used "regional accident insurance income" to re- measure regional gambling culture. The results of re-running the HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL ...
The answer, in short, is yes. "We plan to take the babies to Nashville to get some pictures at the Grand Ole Opry, where the real Johnny and June met," Clark said. "These sweet babies will have a story to share forever now." Evan Paul is the host ofTaste of Country Nights, a ...
Doubts dog lottery cash for national art galleryDani Garavelli
Gajic A, Cameron D, Hurley J (2012) The cost-effectiveness of cash versus lottery incentives for a web-based, stated-preference community survey. Eur J Health Econ 13:789–799Gajic, A., D. Cameron and J. Hurley. 2012. The cost-effectiveness of cash versus lottery incentives for a web...