Kyle HightowerMatt Sedensky
Casey Anthony in court Tuesday (CBS/WKMG/AP) ORLANDO, Fla. - After deliberating for 10 hours, the jury in the Casey Anthony trial found the Florida mother not guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse and aggravated manslaughter. She was found guilty of four lesser charges of...
He said he suspected that someone else "may have had a hand in killing" Caylee. Video He acknowledged that even if more evidence were to come about against Casey Anthony, she can never again be charged in state court with Caylee’s murder. However, Shiner noted that...
Last week, authorities released records of Internet searches performed on Anthony's home computer. Someone performed searches for "neck breaking" and "household weapons" on the home computer, according to court documents released in November. On March 17, someone used the Anthonys' home computer to...
SEE PHOTOS:Casey Anthony: From Arrest to Acquittal The court took what is called an "unusual step" and sealed the video on June 17, 2009 claiming that allowing the public to see it would be "highly inflammatory," and that the court "could not absolutely protect the defendant's right to ...
Would she or wouldn't she? After weeks of speculation as to whether Casey Anthony would tell her own story, Casey decided not to testify. While Casey never took the stand, the jury did see her reactions to the drama playing out in court. ...
Casey Anthony’s lawyer was half-right in complaining about “media assassination” soon after she was acquitted of murder and manslaughter. Cheney Mason said Tuesday that he hoped “incompetent talking heads…talking about cases they don’t know a damned thing about” had learned a lesson from ...
Death-Penalty Issue, Abuse Defense: 7 Revelations in Casey Anthony Book It’s Personal Jeff Ashton and defense attorney Jose Baezquarreled frequently in court, and Ashton makes no apologies in his book. “There is an unearned air of arrogance about the man that is incredibly frustrating to ...
Casey Anthony Laywer Jose Baez Calls State's Forensic Proof "Fantasy"; Concedes Client Lived in "Fantasy World"
Mindy Kaling: "Anyone else hoping Casey Anthony is stupid enough to sue herself for millions in a civil court? Maybe the jury didn't know infanticide was homicide? Help! Help!" Sherri Shepherd: "Casey Anthony ... Not Guilty? May get credit for time served? My heart hurts right now. My...