The minister said in a statement for Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2017 that the majority of breast cancer cases occur in women aged 40 to 60 in Brunei. "One can reduce their risk of getting cancer by living a healthy lifestyle," he said. "This includes regular exercise, consuming a healt...
Globally, more than 10 million patients have been diagnosed with cancer annually [1]. In Peru, between 2006 and 2011, the Cancer Epidemiological Surveillance Unit reported an average of 18,319 new cancer cases per year [2]. According to the Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN), the annual num...
Due to the scarcity of the disease, randomized controlled trials have not been feasible. Conducting a multicenter study is the next best option to assess the effectiveness of the treatment which is currently followed as per the guidelines on female breast cancer (FBC). Under the aegis of Delhi...
Overlooking of bony changes on radiographs in cancer patients with non-specific clinical symptoms may lead to delayed diagnosis. Case presentation We presented a 70-year-old male having hypercalcemia and diffuse osteoblastic bone metastases on routine plain films. Finally, prostate cancer was diagnosed ...
(19.6 per 100 million persons per year in 2012 to 2018). Using the SEER and SEER/National Program of Cancer Registries data, respectively, there were an estimated 353 and 310 cases of breast ALCL diagnosed through 2017 versus 333 cases reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ...
In contrast to incidence, cancer mortality rates among AYAs for all cancers combined declined in the past decade (2008 through 2017) by 1% across sex and age groups except females aged 30 to 39, among whom rates remained stable due to a flattening of declines in breast canc...
E-cadherin low expression is associated with lobular histology, tumor characteristics and menopausal hormone use, with no evidence of an association with breast cancer specific survival. These data support loss of E-cadherin expression as an important marker of tumor subtypes....
BMC Cancer volume 17, Article number: 349 (2017) Cite this article 5718 Accesses 1 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Background Hybrid peripheral nerve sheath tumors (PNSTs) have been recognized recently and were first included in the 4th edition of World Health Organization (WHO) Classification ...
Uncertainty remains regarding the role of diet in colorectal cancer development. We examined associations of 97 dietary factors with colorectal cancer risk in 542,778 Million Women Study participants (12,251 incident cases over 16.6 years), and conducted
Salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) is the entity with the worst prognosis, showing a 5-year overall survival (OS) of 40–65% [2,3,4,5,6] and a 4-/5-year disease-free survival (DFS) of 17–44% [2, 3, 5, 6]. Based on European cancer registry data, SDC only accounts for 4–5%...