WHEN 1 THEN SELECT "One" WHEN 2 WHEN 3 THEN SELECT "Two or Three" ELSE SELECT "The number is outside range" CASE END; This gives a SQL syntax error. Thanks -- Jeff in Seattle Subject Written By Posted CASE with multiple consecutive WHEN(s) ...
在SQL语句中使用IF或CASE with multiple条件的作用是根据不同的条件执行不同的操作或返回不同的结果。这些条件可以是基于列的值、函数的结果、逻辑表达式等。 使用IF语句可以根据条件执行不同的操作。IF语句的基本语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 IF condition THEN statement1; ELSE statement2; END IF; 其中,conditio...
SET @n=3; SELECT CASE WHEN @n=1 THEN "One" WHEN @n=2 OR @n=3 THEN "Two or Three" ELSE "N is out of range" END; PB http://www.artfulsoftware.com Subject Written By Posted CASE with multiple consecutive WHEN(s) Jeff Tanner ...
While NULL can be returned from multiple result expressions, not all of these can explicitly be the NULL constant. If all result expressions use the NULL constant, error 8133 is returned.ExamplesA. Use a SELECT statement with a simple CASE expression...
While NULL can be returned from multiple result expressions, not all of these can explicitly be the NULL constant. If all result expressions use the NULL constant, error 8133 is returned.ExamplesA. Use a SELECT statement with a simple CASE expression...
CASE STATEMENT RETURNING MULTIPLE ROWS Case Statement returning multiple values CASE statement returns "Invalid Column Name" Error Case statement that increments variable with 1 is giving error Case Statement using Divide CASE Statement when not null , else if Help Case statement with Between in Where... For Problems With Multiple Load Cases and Material Phases A standard finite element analysis is all that is required for the initial analysis of the design domain, Fig. 4.3, when a structural domain has applied either a single or multiple load cases, or when the material phase require...
Immunogenicity and safety of Advax, a novel polysaccharide adjuvant based on delta inulin, when formulated with hepatitis B surface antigen: A randomized c... This first-in-man Phase 1 clinical trial tested the safety and tolerability of three intramuscular doses of HBsAg formulated with Advax ...
本文介绍了hive在导入数据中对不同的字符分隔符的处理方式、URL的一般解析函数介绍和hive中对数据的行列转换示例。其中行列转换介绍了case when、concat、union和explode四个函数。 本文依赖hive环境可用。 本文分为三部分,即数据多分隔符使用示例、URL常规解析示例和行列转换的四个函数。
With the addition of –’s (or sometimes just the apostrophe), a noun can change from a simple person, place, or thing to a person, place, or thing with a relationship to something else. Possessive cases can be used for singular, plural, multiple, and compound nouns. There is not one...