filimonov For the record: syntax without CASE variable works: :) SELECT :-] number, :-] CASE :-] WHEN number=0 THEN number+1 :-] WHEN number=1 THEN number*10 :-] ELSE number :-] END :-] FROM system.numbers :-] WHERE number < 10 :-] LIMIT 10; SELECT number, caseWithoutExpre...
when >= 3000 then 'T2' when >= 4000 then 'T3' when >= 5000 then 'T4' else 'T5' end as salary_level from staff ; -- ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQLsyntax; 3. 使用 CASE [col_name] WHEN [expr1] THEN [result1]… ELSE [default] END 如下语句不报错,但是结...
selectname,salary,casesalarywhen>=2000then'T1'when>=3000then'T2'when>=4000then'T3'when>=5000then'T4'else'T5'endassalary_levelfromstaff ;-- ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; 3. 使用 CASE [col_name] WHEN [e...
所以,我们只能尽力而为了。...syntaxClosed) { throw new SyntaxException("语法错误:case..when..未闭合"); } } 以上,就是获取case...表达式未闭合"); } // 暂只支持 case when xxx then xxx... end 语法 // 不支持 case field_name when...when..的语句构造出一个新的计算实例,然后调用 calcC...
可能是由于以下几个原因: 1. 语法错误:在编写CASE WHEN语句时,需要确保语法正确。CASE WHEN语句的基本语法是:CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1 W...
### Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '( case when '0' =='2' and (select identification = '1' f' at line 1 ; bad SQL grammar []; nested...
但是运行的时候报错了:ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric:'优秀' 百度说:数据类型不符。 仔细想一下, 60是int,优秀是string,确实类型不符。 sql修改如下: 1 2 3 4 5 select case whenscore < 60then''|| 60 else'优秀'end fromstuent ...
用开关语句 CASE WHEN <条件表达式> THEN <为真返回值> ELSE <为假返回值> END CopySELECT *, CASE WHEN Password IS NOT NULL THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS PasswordPresent FROM myTable 资料来源: 分类: ...
CASE expression syntax You can place a CASE expression anywhere an expression is allowed. It chooses an expression to evaluate based on a boolean test. CASE WHEN booleanExpression THEN thenExpression [ WHEN booleanExpression THEN thenExpression ]... ELSE elseExpression END ThenExpression and elseExpr...
Syntax Copy case_expression ::= CASE WHEN expression THEN expression (WHEN expression THEN expression)* [ELSE expression] ENDSemantics The searched CASE expression is similar to the if-then-else statements of traditional programming languages. It consists of a number of WHEN-THEN pairs, followed by...