when classno = '2' then '二班' else '其他班级' end) as classname from student 二、Oracle中的其他方法 1、在Oracle中有decode函数起到类似的作用 select num,name,decode(classno,'1','一班','2','二班','其他班级') as classname from student 2、在PL/SQL中的if else也可以达到这样的效果...
ttELSE '大于等于3' tEND as b FROM t1; 也可以更加具体的比如: SELECT tCASE ttWHEN a = 1 THEN '等于1' ttWHEN a = 2 THEN '等于2' ttWHEN a > 2 THEN '大于2' tEND as b FROM t1; 总之,Case When是一种非常灵活的SQL语句,可以根据用户自定义的布尔表达式,计算出不同的值。©...
CASE column_4 WHEN 'IT_PROG' THEN 1.10*column_3 WHEN 'ST_CLERK' THEN 1.15*column_3 WHEN 'SA_REP' THEN 1.20*column_3 ELSE column_3 END "REVISED_SALARY" FROM table_name; // SELECT column_1,column_2, SUM(CASE WHEN column_3 = '100' THEN column_4 ELSE 0 END) AS cost_100 FROM...
12 rows selected 与case when 配合: select case when grouping(e.department_id)=0 then ''||e.department_id else 'All Departments' end as department_id , case when grouping(e.job_id)=0 then e.job_id else 'All Jobs' end as job_id, avg(e.salary) from hr.employees e where e.depart...
,septemberBudget,otoberBudget,novemberBudget,decemberBudget) )whereYearBudget=9000.00andFullDepartmentName='运营部' 格式: case变量 when'值1'thendoSomeThing when'值2'thendoSomeThing ...elsedoSomeThing end 【case】,
select a,Case WHEN a>=85 THEN '优秀' WHEN a>=75 THEN '良好'WHEN a>=60 THEN '及格'ELSE '不及格'END,Case WHEN b>=85 THEN '优秀' WHEN b>=75 THEN '良好'WHEN b>=60 THEN '及格'ELSE '不及格'END b from table_
SQL> Example 2-51 Simple CASE Expression with WHEN NULL 代码语言:javascript 复制 DECLAREgradeCHAR(1);--NULLbydefaultappraisalVARCHAR2(20);BEGINappraisal:=CASEgradeWHENNULLTHEN'No grade assigned'WHEN'A'THEN'Excellent'WHEN'B'THEN'Very Good'WHEN'C'THEN'Good'WHEN'D'THEN'Fair'WHEN'F'THEN'Poor'...
Oracle存储过程代码例子中,包含decode函数,如图所示: Mysql 不支持decode函数,需要转换成case when语法结构,使用ZGLanguage,配置转换规则如下所示: 根据转换规则,执行ZG Language 转换命令: ZGLanguage -…
Simple CASE Example For each customer in the sampleoe.customerstable, the following statement lists the credit limit as "Low" if it equals $100, "High" if it equals $5000, and "Medium" if it equals anything else. SELECT cust_last_name, CASE credit_limit WHEN 100 THEN 'Low' WHEN 5000...
FromOracle Database 23ai, theautomatic SQL transpilercan extract SQL expressions in PL/SQL. These are then part of the SQL statement, so at runtime it's as-if the function doesn't exist! To do this, ensure thesql_transpilerparameter ison(it'soffby default). When a function in thewhere...