如果我有一个 SQL 查询,我在其中写 :: 选择当 Field1 = '1' 且 Field2 = 'A' 然后 Field3 时的情况 Else Field4 End 作为 NameOfField 从表 问题:如何在 RStudio 中编写相同的查询? 先谢谢了rstudio 1个回答 0投票 R 中的 SQL 查询的等效项将如下所示:library...
Here is a related confusing error message with case_when() when the wrong NA type is used: x=1:10 dplyr::case_when( x < 5 ~ 1, TRUE ~ NA ) #> Error in names(message) <- `*vtmp*`: 'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0] dplyr::case_when( x ...
Imagine after a short time using RStudio for interactive use, that we are pretty happy using the command line for short commands, but have learned to really enjoy writing scripts in the Code editor. Even 2- or 3-line commands are much easier to debug when done in the editor. The directn...
You can try by intalling the branch (devtools::install_github("tidyverse/dbplyr#142")) then the translation for case_when will use a ELSE clause. # to get the PR # devtools::install_github("tidyverse/dbplyr#142") library(dbplyr) # The translation as a ELSE clause translate_sql( case_w...
Between Linux, Nginx, Nextcloud, Python 3, Docker, Jupyter Lab, TensorFlow, Keras, RStudio, and CUDA, every update introduced the risk of downtime. Cherrington and his team constantly struggled to keep up with what to update, when to update it, and what the impact would be on the ...
Need help making dependent dropdown boxes in the RStudio package Shiny I have two datasets, one with a list of two hundred cities and their corresponding state and another much larger dataset that I'd like to make an app to sort through. I need help making two drop down ......
Usually, when we receive a dataset with a donation history in it, each row … Continue reading → October 25, 2012 In "R bloggers" How to import an Excel file in RStudio Introduction Transform an Excel file to a CSV file R working directory Get working directory Set working directory ...
生信技能树- R语言-day7 A") # 竖线 代表着或者6.字符删除str_remove(x," ")str_remove_all(x," ")玩转数据框arrange,数据框按照某一列排序sort是给向量排序的library(dplyr...else2, ifelse(,,ifelse)在ifelse里加一个ifelse补充 case_when练习题1.加载deg.Rdata,根据a、b两列的值,按照以下...
.gitignore chore: 🙈 we don't use RStudio, so don't need these Sep 16, 2024 LICENSE.md chore: 🎉 started a template repo Sep 9, 2024 README.md chore: 🎉 started a template repo Sep 9, 2024 _publish.yml chore: 🎉 started a template repo Sep 9, 2024 _quarto.yml chore: ...
Instead, ask on https://stackoverflow.com/ or https://community.rstudio.com/. Please include a minimal reproducible example (AKA a reprex). If you've never heard of a reprex before, start by reading https://www.tidyverse.org/help/#reprex. When writing queries using dbplyr for SQL ...