Is retained when the case series merges with another case series. As shown in the following graphic, the Case Series #1 section title on the CASE SERIES MERGE page includes a statement that the notes from this series will be preserved in the merged case series: If you can access a case s...
Will include examples for the R methods tolower(), toupper(), casefold(), and chartr() throughout the lesson. How to convert characters from upper to lower case or vice versa in R? We must first generate a character string in R before proceeding to the examples. We’ll use the charact...
Sexual orientation and human rights - two of the most emotive phrases of the late 20th century - made the Internet in a big way when an Edmonton college teacher appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada to force Alberta to include homosexuality as a protected right in the province's human rig...
These two are the model characters most type designers use to space the rest of the group. They are used in chains to test how the current character spaces between other straight or round stems. When spacing outlines, glyphs should be visually centered as opposed to mathematically. It is ...
Always read last line when the text file have updated. AM and PM with "Convert.ToDateTime(string)" Am I missing something? Ambiguous match found when calling method with same name different parameter in unit testing an array of inherited classes An error "#endregion directive expected" in UI...
In the 1970s, gay and lesbian activists decried popular cinema as an enabler of their oppression, arguing that homosexual movie characters were either hidden from view or shown only in a negative light. Film studios, directors and writers were seen as highly influential teachers, providing cruel...
For example, when I teach memory improvement in a live setting, I usually talk about how following the rules will set you F.R.E.E.“Free” is a word that helps me remember the meta-rules students need to make learning with memory techniques easy and fun:...
Sex and gender-based analyses (SGBA) should be integrated into research design when research involves or pertains to humans, animals or eukaryotic cells. This should be done in accordance with any requirements set by funders or sponsors and best practices within a field. ...
Please ensure your case series is compliant with the PROCESS Guidelines and submit a completed PROCESS checklist. Please also ensure you state that the work has been reported in line with the PROCESS criteria and cite the following paper: Agha RA, Borrelli MR, Farwana R, Koshy K, Fowler...
Different breakpoints of chromosome 9 inversions can cause diverse disruptions in the carriers. Pericentric inversions occur when a double breakage occurs in each arm of an affected chromosome, which includes the centromere [3]. Although they are dominant in characters that affect both sexes equally,...