凯斯TR320 履带式滑移装载机产品性能特点 产品亮点: 凯斯全新TR320 履带式滑移装载机, 1.更高的 ROC:履带式下车架设计为主机提供更高的额定载荷 2. 径向举升:径向用于挖掘和推动,更加适合挖掘和铲运; 3. 高通用性:工作装置多种多样,为各类辅助液压解决方案提供动力支持 ...
St. Tr. 1315 (1637). He resisted the oath and declaimed the proceedings, stating: Thirteenth century commentators found an analogue to the privilege grounded in the Bible. "To sum up the matter, the principle that no man is to be declared guilty on his own admission is a divine decree...
Manual of Procedures MND: MyNetDiary N: Number NIH: National Institutes of Health NYU: New York University OAD: Obstructive Airways Disease PAGI-QOL: Patient Assessment of Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders- Quality of Life PAGI-SYM: Patient Assessment of Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders- Symp...
Manual of Procedures MND: MyNetDiary N: Number NIH: National Institutes of Health NYU: New York University OAD: Obstructive Airways Disease PAGI-QOL: Patient Assessment of Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders- Quality of Life PAGI-SYM: Patient Assessment of Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders- Symp...
St. Tr. 1341 (32 George II, 1758); Trial of Francis De la Motte, 21 How. St. Tr. 687 (21 George III, 1781); and the Trial of David Tyrie, 21 How. St. Tr. 815 (22 George III, 1782). Historical materials are, therefore, of little help; necessity as well as desire taught ...
Poster 320: Hypothermic-Induced Axonal Peripheral Polyneuropathy After Drowning Episode: A Case ReportPOLYNEUROPATHIESBRAIN imagingdoi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2010.07.350Talia R. CollierRobert RinaldiElsevier Inc.Pm & R
Pitnick S, Hosken DJ, Birkhead TR: Sperm morphological diversity. Sperm biology: an evolutionary perspective. Edited by: Birkhead TR, Hosken DJ, Pitnick S. 2009, New York: Academic Press, 69-149. Chapter Google Scholar Hosken DJ: Sperm competition in bats. Proc R Soc Lond B. 1997, 264...
Pitnick S, Hosken DJ, Birkhead TR: Sperm morphological diversity. Sperm biology: an evolutionary perspective. Edited by: Birkhead TR, Hosken DJ, Pitnick S. 2009, New York: Academic Press, 69-149. Chapter Google Scholar Hosken DJ: Sperm competition in bats. Proc R Soc Lond B. 1997, 264...
Total revenue (TR) was calculated by summing the revenue per timber value class (high, medium, and low) per product. The arithmetic rate of return reflects the amount of profit made on an initial investment and was computed as the ratio of net revenue (TR–TC) to total cost. For the ...
These changes are parts of physiological adaptations during pregnancy and are mostly normal. However, they are affected by pre-pregnancy and pregnancy conditions and complications. On the one hand, diseases and serious conditions such as maternal obesity, diabetes and depression considerably impact ...