A great way to write a case study is to look at a sample case study—or better yet, many. You’ll notice that wildly different businesses have case studies that follow roughly the same structure, which is why we recommend using one of our free case study templates to write yours. Learn...
of Case Study 3, to bring into focus human resilience there, to supplement the considerations elsewhere in this book of the challenging mountainous environment in Peru, Nepal, the Philippines and Ethiopia; the global mountainous environment provides livelihoods to some 7% of the world’s population....
Thus, the case study method sample consists of 52 articles, considering that not all studies selected in the SLR are empirical, i.e., they consist in applied research studies. Fig. 2 shows how the articles were distributed in the three coverage classifications, according to the type of food...
The article examines the relationship between GABRIELA, a Philippines-based women's organization and the GABRIELA Network (GABNet), GABRIELA's network in the U.S. as an example of transnational alliance-building and women's organizing. GABRIELA was formed to serve as an umbrella group for women...
Our study focuses on the proposed approach and its application in Southern Asia. We cover a diverse range of countries with varying levels of social and economic development, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The region of the study ...
Reinvented sampling during the world’s longest lockdown Alaska created their first ever chicken- and beef-flavoured evaporated creamers in the Philippines.
Kutschera, P.C. (2010). Stigma, psychosocial risk and core mental health symptomatology among Amerasians in the Philippines: A multiple-case study, (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University, USA). Retrieved from www.AmerasianInstitute.org/dissertation...
Descriptive studies 1.) Case Control Study Title: Determinants of Malaria Program Expenditures during Elimination: Case Study Evidence from Select Provinces in the Philippines. Even though eliminating malaria from the endemic margins is a part of the Global Malaria Action Plan‚ little guidance exists...
After looking at damages caused by the typhoons that are recorded in MEDIC, we decided to use the Philippines as a representative for this disaster event type in our example. Missing values for some countries indicators were imputed with a K-Nearest-Neighbour imputation algorithm. This approach ...
Citizen Satisfaction Evaluation of the Local Government Unit in the Philippines: A Case Study of Good Governance Advocacy of the City Government of Candon The research study provides the information about the utilization of Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS) as a development tool in gauging th...