Prepping for (and maybe fretting) the case-study interview? While this kind of interview may appear intimidating, consider this: The interviewer really wants you to do well. So, shake off the nerves, relax and have fun. Tips for standing out in the case-study interview: Take your time;...
mckinseycasetipsstudyinterviewingtipsinterviewer As part of the interview process, we will ask you to discuss a problem. As you work through the business case with your in you will also become better informed about our firm and the problems we solve. Most candidates enjoy the cases and the bus...
Case study的原则: 1 在确认正确答案或有一定证据支撑前,不要轻易开口(often right, never without data-driven justification.) 2 be client friendly-being right in a client friendly way (思维不零散,可视化,用事实与数据支撑,逻辑通且可实施) 3 面试官思维:“我要挑可以独立完成任务,有逻辑,能用数据来分...
1. Case Study Ingredients 在进行Case Interview时,你最开始将会拿到一份描述公司问题的材料,称为“信息备忘录”(IM)或Executive Summary。可能是10页以下的短篇资料、也可能是较长的素材。如果是研究上市公司,那么你拿到的材料可能是10-K或10-Q(年度报告或季度报告)。很少会要求涉及非常详细的操作模型,因为你没有...
【留学生就业】完美通过麦肯锡Case Interview,你需要这份材料清单以及这十个面试Tips 【留学生就业】完美通过麦肯锡Case Interview,你需要这份材料清单以及这十个面试Tips 为了麦肯锡的校招我准备了大半年,自己也总结出不少准备Case的方法。下面和大家分享一下我自己的经验,推荐的准备材料以及面试建议。为什么你需要大量的...
Types of case interviews Skills assessed in the case interview What kind of case will I get? CHAPTER 2: CASE STRATEGIES Your objective Top 10 case interview tips Group cases Common problems and troubleshooting Thinking about the case Specific types of business cases CHAPTER 3: CASE FRAMEWORKS ...
【留学生就业】完美通过麦肯锡caseinterview,你需要这份材料清单以及这十个面试tips.pdf,【留学生就业】完美通过麦肯锡 Case Interview ,你需要这 份材料清单以及这十个面试 Tips 为了麦肯锡的校招我准备了大半年,自己也总结出不少准备 Case 的方法。 下面和大家分享一下
Tips for demonstrating your thinking in the case interview Take notes throughout the interview: Jot down key points and ideas as you work through the case to keep your thoughts organized. Be sure you understand the question: Ensure you grasp the main question and objectives before diving into ...
研究case study 的意义不只在于面试,里面的思维逻辑更为重要,如何着手去分析一个问题,合理地运用framework,这些都是面试官的考查范围。 以麦肯锡的Case Interview为例: 该Case用到的是比较简单的Framework: Benefits and Risks 客户目标 盖茨基金会是一个著名的基金会。其目标之一是减少全世界的极端贫困。在此案例研究...
2. 可以去网上搜一些 business case study 来看,大部分 case 其实无外乎就是算成本、盈利、市场份额这些,对这类 case 里的关键词一定要有个概念,不然拿到题因为单词不认识或者概念不清楚就不划算了。 3. 做完题去面试,时间是大概15分钟,先会花几分钟给面试官阐述你的做出的决策,和你是根据哪些数据、信息来做...