The results of the program would redefine the modern home and extend influence not only across the United States but around the world. This compact guide includes all of the Case Study Houses with over 150 photos and plans, as well as a map showing locations of all sites, including those ...
TheCaseStudyHouseprogram(1945–1966)wasauniqueeventinthehistoryofAmericanarchitecture.SponsoredbyArts&Architecturemagazine,theprogramsoughttorespondtothepostwarbuildingboomwithprototypemodernhomesthatcouldbebotheasilyreplicatedandreadilyaffordabletotheaverageAmerican. ConcentratedontheLosAngelesarea,theCaseStudyHousesincluded...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Case Study Houses at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Not much more need be written about the Case Study House Program ofArts & Architecture. It has been documented by Esther McCoy wonderfully in "Modern California Houses; Case Study Houses, 1945-1962" (Reinhold, 1962; reissued as "Case Study Houses 1945-1962" by Hennessey & Ingalls, 1977) an...
iconic midcentury modern case study house 26, in san rafael california, designed 1962 by beverley david thorne
CASE STUDY HOUSES + EAMES 本套装出自全球知名艺术出版社TASCHEN的“基础建筑”系列,目录式书籍,文字简洁易懂,属于建筑学必备基础手册。 以美国西海岸著名的“案例研究住宅”计划,及其代表性建筑师/家具设计师伊姆斯夫妇为对象,呈现美国建筑史上最具标志性的一批建筑、工业、家具设计作品。 案例研究住宅 CASE STU...
现货发售 |《有方建筑日历2023》西扎支架版(含内页+西扎设计支架) 人气款 ¥398 中文版《路易斯·康建筑作品全集1935—1974》,66个项目、8开巨幅手绘、图纸、模型档案呈现 大家都在买 ¥380 路易斯·巴拉干 - 空间的解读 Luis Barragan Understanding Space | 日本原版 大家都在买 ¥300 《西...
through its architects' thoughtful and innovative consideration of ways to solve the severe housing shortage. This study examines these architects' conceptions of the ideal house by comparing their design theories and building compositions of these houses suggested in the Case Study House Program. While...
自加州住宅实验1945年的第一个设计(建筑师Julius Ralph Davidson,Case Study House #1,未建成)到1966年的最后一个设计(建筑师Conrad Buff和Donald Hensman,Case Study House #28),共完成设计36份,其中2份是集合住宅设计。下文会较为简短地介绍其中三例独户住宅设计:CSH#8 Eames House, CSH#22 Stahl House以及...
美西现代设计套装 | 案例研究住宅+伊姆斯 CASE STUDY HOUSES + EAMES 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务线下门店 · 到店自提 · 收货后结算 商品评价 (1) 好评率:100% 黄**乐 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(36) 质量很好(32) 坚固耐用(8) 设计一流(7) 珍藏佳品(7) 真...