(2011) Emergency knowledge management and social media technologies: A case study of the 2010 haitian earthquake. International Journal of Information Management, 31(1):6 - 13Yates D, Paquette S. Emergency knowledge management and social media technologies: A case study of the 2010 Haitian ...
The case study is based on results from interviews and interactions with 18 agencies during a month-long trip to Haiti in the summer of 2010. Of the agencies interviewed, it was found that agencies that had no partnerships or presence in Haiti prior to the earthquake were most likely to ...
Gender, Disaster, and Resilience: Assessing Women's Water and Sanitation Needs in Leogane, Haiti, before and after the 201 O Earthquake This study investigates differences in men's and women's access to water and sanitation in Leogane, Haiti (population -300,000), a town situated at the epi...
As noted earlier, the choice of data to be collected for resilience analysis is highly dependent on the scale of the area being studied, but data availability is another critical aspect. Within the frame of this study, we aimed to conduct a detailed assessment of earthquake resilience for Istan...
However, the results of our study show relevance to further work on depression among earthquake survivors. E.g. Japan, China, and Haiti earthquake survivors were all afflicted by higher depressive rates in short terms (Cerdá et al., 2013; Guo et al., 2014). Even though the severity of ...
ASSESSMENT OF THE TSUNAMIGENIC POTENTIAL ALONG THE NORTHERN CARIBBEAN MARGIN Case Study: Earthquake and Tsunamis of 12 January 2010 in Haiti.TsunamiHaitiHispaniolaCaribbean northern marginSeismotectonicsThe potential tsunami risk for Hispaniola, as well as for the other Greater Antilles Islands is assessed...
摘要: A finite source model is tested by using stochastic simulation. The January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake is used as a case study. The simulated and observed data match well by using the proposed model.关键词: Thin film soldering thermocompression bonding intermetallic compounds true contact ...
單詞卡 1 / 13 Geography - Earthquake case - study (LEDC) 登入註冊顯示提示 Where was the earthquake (LEDC) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 Haiti
Awesome, we know there are errors and bugs. Or just much better ways to do a procedure. To make a suggestion, please open a github issue here with a title containing the case study name. You may also contact us directctly. Cheers!About...
Passive climatization using a cool roof and natural ventilation for internally displaced persons in hot climates: Case study for Haitilow cost housingcool roofthermal comfortdevelopment cooperationinternational energy policyThe 2010 Earthquake in Haiti caused catastrophic damage to the metropolitan area of ...