Edelmann, J., Owsnicki, B. (1986). Data Models in Knowledge Representation Systems: A Case Study. In: Rollinger, CR., Horn, W. (eds) GWAI-86 und 2. Österreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagung. Informatik-Fachberichte, vol 124. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/...
上面提到的两个问题是北美某著名咨询公司的面试原题,这也牵扯出来了一种现在大家都广泛讨论的面试题型:Data Case. 与正常的咨询面试case study不同的是,Data Case虽然也是提出一个商业问题,但是公司期待你回答的解决方案是用数据的方法来解答。 Data Case成了现在很多同学面试时候的困惑。一方面是市面上资料不多,另...
处理缺失数据(missing data) 处理异常值(outliers) 因果推理技术(casual inference techniques) 机器学习模型(machine learning models) 评估模型性能(evaluating model performance) 实验设计(experiment design) 对常见问题的意识: 样本偏差:选择偏差、响应偏差(selection/response bias) 内生性(endogeneity) 相关性和因果关...
Key to the fund’s alpha generation strategy is the ability to run high frequency backtests of their trading and investment ideas, so they can try them out under various scenarios before putting “real money” to work. The backtest environment needed to
Advanced Analytics,Augmented Analytics,BI for Chemical Industry,BI for Manufacturing,Business Intelligence,Case Studies,Case Study,Data Science,Self-Serve Data Preparation,Smarten Case Studies Posts pagination ←NewerPosts12…4OlderPosts→ Browse our Learn and Explore page for more learning and educational...
"Datapipe’s key value-add is the complete service model." - Kevin Hamilton, Director of Service Delivery Management, Datapipe Working with Azure CSP has been beneficial to Datapipe, as Azure has some great features that other cloud platforms just don’t offer. Features such as backup, databas...
Within Microsoft, we are developing our organizational resilience capabilities in collaboration with Workplace Analytics, Office, and others. Externally, we are collaborating with Johns Hopkins University on “Organizational Dynamics to Enable Post-Pandemic Return to Work” through a funded stud...
Data Mining Model for Better Admissions in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs)—A Case Study of BahrainData mining has been used for a variety of objectives for improving the quality of higher education institutions and especially for improving students' performance and institution quality. The use...
Model Vowpal_wabbit 是在单机上速度非常快的机器学习库。 本质原因是vowpal_wabbit采用的是在线学习,也即优化方法采用的是随机梯度下降的方法。相比较batch gradient,online-learnging 的速度快,但是效果可能没有batch-learning好。 在线学习收敛速度慢,在小数据集上表现不佳,但由于不需要将所有的数据集全部加载进来,...
case study n. 1.A detailed analysis of a person or group, especially as a model of medical, psychiatric, psychological, or social phenomena. 2. a.A detailed intensive study of a unit, such as a corporation or a corporate division, that stresses factors contributing to its success or failur...