We attempt to analyze the Boeing 737 MAX's epic failure and identify potential issues in its supply chain which may have contributed to the tragic accidents and the eventual grounding of the plane. The analysis provides practical insights to help restore the health of t...
2019年3月10日,埃塞俄比亚航空公司一架波音737 MAX 8型客机从首都亚迪斯亚贝巴起飞后不久,在距离首都约45公里的比绍夫图附近坠毁,机上157人全部遇难。 这两起震惊全球的空难直接催生了本片诞生,一落千丈:波音大调查 Downfall: The Case Against Boeing 这是一部以访谈和实地采访为主的纪录片,导演罗瑞·肯尼迪 R...
在写关于boeing 737 max的case 纪录片看得我好难受在第二起坠毁事故发生后记者们和一位经验丰富的驾驶员在看黑盒子的记录来确认飞行员们做了什么在看到错误发生的那一刻的时候驾驶员swore那个年轻的大副“t...
真的很无语 前两天刚做完Boeing737MAX case 这两天新闻里接二连三的出事;做kinder kinder又salmonellose 都怎么了现在…【转发】@时间视频:【#马航一波音737客机紧急折返#:乘客称飞机一度骤降,马航承认飞行中...
Boeing stock as the company has a near-monopolistic grip over the market such that there is no alternative; it is “too big to fail.” Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburgpersonally lobbiedPresident Donald Trump, urging him not to ground the 737 Max. After all, that wouldn’t be good...
Legal fallout for Boeing around its 2021 settlement of B737 MAX related fraud charges continues with the manufacturer scheduled for arraignment in a Texas court on January 26 to answer to relatives of those who died in two B737 MAX crashes in 2018 and 2019 and who have been declared crime ...
The relationship between landscape design style and the conservation value of parks A case study of a historical park in Weimar, Germany英文资料 《波音737MAX的设计、开发和审定》中英文对照翻译版(FINAL COMMITTEE REPORT THE DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT & CERTIFICATION OF THE BOEING 737 MAX ) The Case of the...
NTSB Contributors (1988) Aircraft Accident Report, Aloha Airlines Flight 243, Boeing 737-100,N73711, Near Maui, Hawaii,April 28, 1988. Aircraft accident report, National Transportation Safety Board, https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Reports/AAR8903.pdf Paris P, Erdogan F (1963...
This paper asks whether case-based reasoning is an AI technology like rule-based reasoning, neural networks or genetic algorithms or whether it is better described as a methodology for problem solving, that may use any appropriate technology. By describi
On this Boeing 737 MAX-8 aircraft, the MCAS feature is an automatic feature that is useful for protecting the aircraft from dangerous maneuvers, if the nose of the aircraft is in a position that is too high, the MCAS feature will automatically lower the nose of the aircraft back to its ...