For this reason, a case study was conducted which involved 235 students who enrolled in Calculus 1 (MAT183). An interactive T&L approach has been implemented, that is, both human and technology-based supports (innovative Tablet PC teaching) were used as tools for teaching in November 2013 ...
aIn my case,before Wang Leyang and I became good friends my maths was very poor in my study.However,it was my friend Wang Leyang who gave me a hand as well as a chance to catch up with others in this course.Although he knew that I was very poor in mathematics, he spent much ...
These were common assessment task (CAT) 1 consisting of a school assessed investigative project or problem, to be completed over several weeks; CAT 2, a strictly timed examination comprising multiple choice and short answer questions; and CAT 3, also a strictly timed examination paper with prob-...
the section presents the methodology used to measure the impact of the study and provides details on the questionnaire the students answered. Moreover, as some of the questions had qualitative answers, the methodology used to analyze these responses (text analysis) is also explained inSection 3.Se...
we were able to do just that. The response we got from teachers and children was wonderful and in November I wrote this post onWorking for Hope(based on a series of tweets I wrote for the Museum’s account) about our aims, what we had done, and some of the questions we’d had fro...
Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan Board, MP Board, Telangana Board etc NCERT solutions for...
In January 2013, we undertook a case study to look at how first, second and third year AIT students taking Algebra and Calculus courses under Mr Frank Doheny (N=266) used screencasts to help them learn Maths. The screencasts, ranging between 1:49 and 11:20 minutes in length, were devel...
Educationcomparative educationeducation programmaths programEducation, individual behavior is to change the direction of the requested. The behaviour to be gained through education should be suitable to the individual and social demands.Moreover, education is the basis of increasing the development, ...
LearnMaths: A case study of the development of learning software to support social inclusion - Hersh, Stapleton - 2006 () Citation Context ... methodologies and approaches for the full diversity of students and which enables all students to draw on their strengths. This pedagogy would need to...
grades in attendance on particular days of the week to minimise the dangers of over-crowding. Schools were given options for rotation. The document paid a great deal of attention to the questions of safety and infection mitigation. With respect to learning, some key purposes of the SRPRC were...