Case study methodology have importance role in architectural research. This methodology has developed within the social sciences. A first generation of case studies originated in anthropology, but this came under criticism during the era of logical positivism, a period when social science methodology ...
网络案例研究方法论 网络释义 1. 案例研究方法论 多案例研究... ... ) case study method 案例研究方法 )Case study methodology案例研究方法论) multi-case study 多案例研究 ...|基于19个网页
SSRN Electronic JournalArribas, Veronica, Isabel Garcia-Hiljding, Lourdes Susaeta, Jose Ramon Pin Arboledas. 2016. Case Study Methodology as an Educational Tool for Fashion Business Management (No. D/ 1135). Madrid, Spain: IESE Business School....
It can also allow consideration of specific needs to address an educational situation. This article briefly discusses the nature and purpose of different types of research, then focuses on the nature and usefulness of the case study methodology. 展开 被引量: 5 年份: 2011 ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) CaseStudyMethodology案例分析方法.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:jinzhuang 审核时间:2020-12-09 审核编号:6012020214003032 认证类型:实名认证 ...
CaseStudyMethodology案例分析方法 Introduction 导论 Sino-GermanCooperationonIntellectualPropertyRights 中德知识产权法合作项目 2020/8/9Seite1 I.TheoreticalBackground理论背景 1.ObjectivesofLaw法律、法规与规章的目的▪RegulatingSociety管理社会▪CompensationfortheState’sMonopolyonForce国家垄断强制力量的补偿▪...
Research is a way of developing a body of knowledge and movement toward an influential profession. A case study has been commonly used in humanistic and medical sciences, even though generally was considered an underutilized strategy in community-based nursing especially in Iran; so we decided to...
作者: A Mercer 摘要: The article discusses a case study that investigates the process of selecting medical students in Australia, with emphasis on the selection process at the University of Western Australia (UWA). It explains the choice of a case study as the methodology used for the research...
Case Study MethodologyMcDermott, P
Once Charles Horton Cooley in his research paper “The life-study method as applied to rural social research” defined the Case study method as: “Case study depends on our perception and gives clear insight into life directory.” A case study is a research methodology in which the researcher...