Using deadjectival psych verbs with -garu in Japanese, this study shows that agglutinative complex predicate formation is done by recursive application of Merge to roots and functional heads. This process creates a layered syntactic structure, with each layer providing the computational system with (i...
Digital games have traditionally been targeted at younger generations, although the proportion of older adult players is increasing. However, the design pr
If objective genitive case is dependent case subject to the definition in (24), it is predicted not to be assigned to an IO argument when the lower argument is either rendered invisible to the dependent case rule or is absent (cf. Baker and Bobaljik2017for diagnosing dependent ergative case...
Notably, these stud- ies did not use a common definition of chronic pain, such as that of the International Association for the Study of Pain [16]. An age-standardized analysis of 18 national surveys involving approximately 42,000 adults found that 37% of respondents in developed countries, ...
Widely cited in support of this thesis has been the Fels longitudinal study finding that dependency and passivity are stable from childhood to adulthood for females only and aggressiveness and sexuality for males only. The present article explains why the type of sex differences in personality ...