This book provides a basis for class discussion about the responsible conduct of social science research. These 16 brief research ethics cases describe situations in which ethical dilemmas arise and present the student with the opportunity to think through the different implications for researchers. The...
Case Studies in Business Ethics Abstract Business and management education has the purpose of improving business practice. Many other claims are made for it but none is as intuitively or philosophically appealing as this. Employers and practitioners may sometimes take the view that business and managem...
Ethics, or moral philosophy, investigates concepts of right and wrong conduct; it is not limited to the acts of a single person but seeks also reasoned, principled, positions vis-à-vis the practices of corporations, governments, and many other groups. Using the case method, a teaching ...
Case Studies in Environmental Ethics is a collection of more than 40 case studies covering diverse topics such as: genetic engineering, aesthetics, pollution, animal rights, population, and resource management. It is intended as a supplemental book for college courses primarily in Environmental Ethics...
复数:case studies 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 case-study n. 1. 个案研究;专题研究;案例研究a detailed account of the development of a person, a group of people or a situation over a period of time 释义: 全部,个案研究,专题,案例分析,具体实例分析,案例研究...
Ethics Case Studies
See how your peers are working with us. Read our collection of our client case studies, spanning solutions and regions. Request Follow Up Case Study An Alternative Investment Team Harnesses Textual Data Analytics to Find New Sources of Alpha Case Study A Bank Enhances Its IRB Model for Basel ...
Berkeley Tuolumne Camp is a beloved family camp operated by the City of Berkeley, providing social, nature-based and athletic programs for all ages, including hiking, nature studies, water sports and more. It is located on a 30-acre site along the South Fork of the Tuolumne River in the...
Case studies on green technology applications for sustainable development and circular economy (CSGT2024) Edited byDr. Wojciech Smułek,Dr. Hugo Miguel Baptista Carreira dos Santos,Assoc. Professor Luiza Campos 18 June 2024 Green Technologies for Sustainable Environment ...