A CPI(M) panchayath member,accused in child abuse case has been appeared in front of the District Sessions Court. Keezhariyur Grama Panchayath 7th ward member Kozhippurathmeethal M.K.Maneesh is the person who reported in the court.The Koyilandy police had charged Protection of Children from ...
Coal India Ltd. in the Calcutta High Court asserting to set aside the arbitral award where the White Industries filed an appeal to the Supreme Court when its application to set aside the application of Coal India Ltd. was dismissed. It remained pending for 5 years in the...
Department of Civil Engineering, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore 641062, Tamilnadu, India 7 Department of Mechanical Engineering (DIM), Faculty of Engineering, University of Concepción, Edmundo Larenas 219, Concepcion 4070409, Chile 8 Departamento de Ingeniería en Obras Ci...