The conditional operator SWITCH can also be used to make case distinctions in operand positions. A statement cannot be placed between the statement CASE and the first statement WHEN. In classes, this produces a syntax error; outside classes, obsolete syntax of this type produces a syntax warnin...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Check the below syntax TRANSLATE text {TO {UPPER|LOWER} CASE} | {USING pattern}. Regards, Anki Reddy Reply Former Member 2009 Feb 13 5:54 AM 0 Kudos 25,785 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development This message was moderated. Reply Former...
Syntax ... CASE WHEN cond_expr1 THEN result1 [WHEN cond_expr2 THENresult2] [WHEN cond_expr3 THENresult3] ... [ELSE resultn] END ... Effect Complex case distinction (searched case) in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. Case distinction evaluates the sequence of ...
Solved: Hi , Currently I am looking into open sql statement in abap for hana I wrote the below query but in debugging the values are populated as below SELECT carrid ,
Syntax: INSERT REPORT <program name> from <internal table>. TRANSLATE text USING pattern This statement replaces all characters in the text field according to the substitution rule stored in pattern. pattern can be a variable. Pattern holds letter pairs where first letter of every pair is replac...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development The basic syntax for the WHERE clause when used in a MySQL SELECT WHERE statement is as follows. SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `membership_number` = 1; Reply tom_wan Product and Topic Expert 2021 Sep 10 7:00 AM 0 Kudos 1,108 SAP Managed...
The syntax is as follows: CASE WHEN (criteria) THEN (block) ELSE (block) END SQL Case Statement It is possible to extend the same SQL query using CASE statement with additional WHEN clauses as follows begin declare integer @i; @i = cast( (RAND() * 10) as integer); ...
For more variants of the TRANSLATE statement with more complex substitution rules, see the keyword documentation in the ABAP Editor. DATA: T(10) VALUE 'AbCdEfGhIj', STRING LIKE T, RULE(20) VALUE 'AxbXCydYEzfZ'. STRING = T. WRITE STRING. TRANSLATE STRING TO UPPER CASE. WRITE / STRING. ...
In an ABAP Objects context, a more severe syntax check is performed that in other ABAP areas. See Only character fields allowed in string processing. Variant 1 TRANSLATE c TO UPPER CASE. Variant 2 TRANSLATE c TO LOWER CASE. Effect The first variant converts all lowercase letters in...
In recent years, the emergence of small electric vehicles (SEVs) has been facilitated by advancements in energy-charging services. An SEV offers an affordable and sustainable transport alternative that can contribute to urban sustainability, ecofriendly landscapes, and the mitigation of traffic ...