在本文中,我们探讨了如何在Python中优雅地处理条件分支,以避免使用过多的if语句。文章介绍了两种解决方案:字典映射与函数组合以及Python 3.10中引入的match-case语句。...在这篇博文中,我们将介绍如何在不使用大量if语句的情况下优雅地处理条件分支,包括字典映射、函数
官方文档中有一篇 FAQ 包含了这个问题:Why isn’t there a switch or case statement in Python? FAQ 即 Frequently Asked Questions 的缩写,表示常见问题,官方列了 27 个常见问题,完整清单在此: 该文档给出了几个建议,告诉了我们几个 switch/case 的替代方案: 使用if-elif-else 条件判断语句 使用字典,将 ca...
"# Since Pierre's suggestion is backward-compatible with the original recipe,# I have made the necessary modification to allow for the above usage. 查看Python官方:PEP 3103-A Switch/Case Statement 发现其实实现Switch Case需要被判断的变量是可哈希的和可比较的,这与Python倡导的灵活性有冲突。在实现上...
In programming languages like c or C++, there is a direct way to use switch cases in the program. But in Python, there was no direct way to do a switch case in Python. However, Python introduced a match statement in version 3.10, so it has a direct way to get the expected output. ...
【说站】python else在循环语句执行的情况 python else在循环语句执行的情况 1、当循环体没有执行break的时候,即循环体正常结束。...当没有触发break时,执行else子句: print("两次输入机会") for i in range(2): num = int(input("请输入一个数字:")) if 10 =...= num: print("10 == num,触发bre...
A senior editor in the AI and edtech space. Committed to exploring data and AI trends. Python Switch Case FAQs What happens if two cases match the same input in a match-case statement? Python evaluates cases in the order they appear. The first matching case is executed, and the match bl...
Case 1 – When the Select Case Returns False Statement As the previous statement states, theLike operatorwill look for a pattern in your given condition and returnTrueif any of the matches are found. Look at a typical code given below. ...
Python 3.10 has the match case which is Structural Pattern Matching. I'm going to show you what it can do with examples!
Python 3.10版本 更新了类似其他语言的switch case结构,所以最好的方法是直接更新到python3.10,直接使用match case 语句: C语言: switch (expression) { case constant-expression : statement(s); break; /* 可选的 */ case constant-expression : statement(s); ...
team_long_name AS opponent, -- Complete the CASE statement with an alias CASE WHEN m.home_goal > m.away_goal THEN 'Barcelona win!' WHEN m.home_goal < m.away_goal THEN 'Barcelona loss :(' ELSE 'Tie' END AS outcome FROM matches_spain AS m LEFT JOIN teams_spain AS t ON m.away...