case expression in pattern-1) statement ;; pattern-2) statement ;; . . . pattern-N) statement ;; *) statement ;; esac 一个case语句必须与开始case的关键字和结束与esac关键字。表达式被评估并与每个子句中的模式进行比较, 直到找到匹配项。匹配子句中的一...
The following article describes the basic syntax and includes a simple example of the BASHCASEstatement usage. TheCASEstatement is the simplest form of theIF-THEN-ELSEstatement in BASH. You may use theCASEstatement if you need theIF-THEN-ELSEstatement with manyELIFelements. With the BASHCASEstat...
This lesson will discuss the use of case statements in Bash. You will learn the structure of case statements and when they are used best. An example will demonstrate the application of a case statement and will help you understand how it works. ...
Bash case statements are powerful yet easy to write. When you revisit an old Linux script you'll be glad you used a case statement instead of a long if-then-else statement. The case Statement Most programming languages have their version of a switch or case statement. These direct the flow...
caseexpressionin pattern1 ) statements;; pattern2 ) statements;; ... esac 看看最后标明的结束的esac,以及if/else中的fi,都是反过来写,这可能是bash的一个特色。注意statement后面是两个分 号。任何一个样式都可以包含多个样式,他们之间用“|”来分割,如果匹配其中的一个,就执行statement。case将将按顺序依次...
到目前为止,您应该很好地理解如何编写bash case语句。它们通常用于从命令行将参数传递给shell脚本。例如,init脚本使用case语句来启动,停止或重新启动服务。 如果您有任何问题或反馈,请随时发表评论。 如果你喜欢我们的内容可以选择在下方二维码中捐赠我们,或者点击广告予以支持,感谢你的支持...
如果condition 成立,那么 then 后边的 statement1 语句将会被执行;否则,执行 else 后边的 statement2 语句。 举例: #!/bin/bash read a read b if (( $a == $b )) then echo "a和b相等" else echo "a和b不相等,输入错误" fi 运行结果:10↙20↙a和 b 不相等,输入错误 从运行结果可以看出,a 和...
statement ;; *) statement ;; esac 一个case语句必须与开始case的关键字和结束与esac关键字。 表达式被评估并与每个子句中的模式进行比较, 直到找到匹配项。 匹配子句中的一个或多个语句被执行。 双分号“;;”用于终止子句。 如果匹配模式并且执行了该子句中的语句,则忽略所有其他模式。
Bash shell case statement is similar to switch statement in C. It can be used to test simple values like integers and characters. Case statement is not a loop, it doesn’t execute a block of code for n number of times. Instead, bash shell checks the condition, and controls the flow of...
The syntax of case statement in bash is given below: case expression in pattern1) STATEMENTS ;; pattern2) STATEMENTS ;; Pattern3 | Pattern4 | pattern5) STATEMENTS ;; pattern-N) STATEMENTS ;; *) STATEMENTS ;; esac Explanation: The keyword"case"and"esac"marks the start and end of the ...