If you want to change the column name from "firstname" to "Firstname", you could use sp_rename in MS SQL Server. If you want to change the first letter of the data in the "firstname" column, other posters have offered solutions and here's another for a single name. updatemytablena...
Is there a simple ignore-case-comparison for PostgreSQL? I want to replace: SELECTid, user_nameFROMusersWHERElower(email)IN(lower('adamB@a.com'),lower('eveA@b.com')); With something like: SELECTid, user_nameFROMusersWHEREemail IGNORE_CASE_IN ('adamB@a.com','eveA@b.com'); Thelike...
I'm not sure if I remember wrongly, I see the COLLATE NOCASE append in the sql query very long time ago (may be not COLLATE NOCASE,but something else , all I remember is my query is case insensitive), but recently I use Sqlite again , an...
The pattern matching with regular expression (RLIKE or REGEXP) is always case sensitive for all versions of MySQL except the newest 3.23.4. For example: SELECT phone FROM user WHERE user_name REGEXP 'term'; For both the normal comparison (=) and the SQL pattern matching (LIKE) the b...
Filters a record set for data without a case-sensitive string. The following table provides a comparison of the in operators: 展開資料表 OperatorDescriptionCase-SensitiveExample (yields true) in Equals to one of the elements Yes "abc" in ("123", "345", "abc") !in Not equals to any ...
-- all caps in the database. The database is case insensitive If I use -- lower case, for my comparison value it will not return any results. SELECTGender FROMMyDatabase WHEREGenderCollateSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS ='m'; Wednesday, June 4, 2014 - 2:32:14 PM - DavidBack To To...
In perf_lower, the data type is text, and comparison is made using lower(). Table perf_coll uses text with the collation english_ci as defined above. The database used was PostgreSQL v15 with US English collations. All tables were cached in shared buffers. Performance comparison of case-...
Option 2: UsingILIKEor~~*operators for comparison In this option, we discuss PostgreSQL built-in string comparison operatorsILIKEand~~*. They are equivalent in functionality, butILIKEis the standard SQL-compliant operator whereas~~*is a PostgreSQL-specific operator. ...
The following table provides a comparison of theinoperators: OperatorDescriptionCase-SensitiveExample (yieldstrue) inEquals to one of the elementsYes"abc" in ("123", "345", "abc") !inNot equals to any of the elementsYes"bca" !in ("123", "345", "abc") ...
It seems that knex (and therefore bookshelf) doesn't have any way to handle case sensitivity, which results in inconsistent results across the various supported databases. SQLite is case sensitive by default. MySQL it depends on collatio...