CASE REPORT:We present a rare case of a 24-year-old woman with no significant medical history who underwent surgery at a local hospital to treat a giant cell tumor of the radius. During postoperative wound dressing changes, a 4×3-cm area of flushed skin color with a small blister and r...
AN EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF HUMAN EXPOSURE Domestic farm animals became contaminated with a polybrominated biphenyl fire retardant during 1973-74. Preliminary investigations revealed that many farm families had consumed contaminated meat, milk or eggs from the affected farms. Alt... HEB Humphrey,...
Aendo, P., Thongyuan, S., Songserm, T., & Tulayakul, P. (2019). Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk assessment of heavy metals contamination in duck eggs and meat as a warning scenario in Thailand.Science of the Total Environment,689, 215–222. ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Afrin, R., M...
The population data, which mainly include Agriculture 2022, 12, 1114 4 of 19 urban and rural populations, come from Statistical Yearbooks of Provinces in Northwest China from 2001 to 2021. The consumption data mainly include the consumption quantities of food rations, beef, pork, chicken, eggs,...
energies Article The Value of Lost Load for Sectoral Load Shedding Measures: The German Case with 51 Sectors Aaron Praktiknjo School of Business and Economics, RWTH Aachen University, Mathieustr. 10, 52074 Aachen, Germany;; Tel.: +49-241-80-49691 Academic...
sensors Review Deployment of a Smart Structural Health Monitoring System for Long-Span Arch Bridges: A Review and a Case Study Zengshun Chen 1,2, Xiao Zhou 1, Xu Wang 1,3,4,*, Lili Dong 1,* and Yuanhao Qian 1 1 State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel ...
resources Article Application of Ecological Footprint Accounting as a Part of an Integrated Assessment of Environmental Carrying Capacity: A Case Study of the Footprint of Food of a Large City Małgorzata S´ wia˛der 1,* ID , Szymon Szewran´ ski 1 ID , Jan K. Kazak 1 ID , ...