It has since been proven that this theory is completely bogus. It is now known that the "gills" that supposedly appear in the early stages of the human embryo are in fact the initial phases of the middle-ear canal, parathyroid, and thymus. That part of the embryo that was likened to ...
The FBI provided bogus investigation documents to prove their case, but realistically, McVeigh and Nichols were not in capacity to build such a huge fertilizer bomb due to lack of trainings in explosives. Thus, the law enforcement agencies and the federal government lacked evidence in their ...
publicly denounced.4 This change led many prominent scholars, such as Stanisław Skowron, Teodor Marchlewski, and Edmund Malinowski, all experts or at least well-versed in genetics, into a radical, involuntary, and in many ways bogus conversion into practicing the New Biology (Marchlewski ...
Hell (and please don't give me cancer or starve my family for using that term, Father), it isn't even entirely bogus. The evidence for some sort of "historical Jesus Christ" isn't as unconvincing, moot, or flat-out non-existent as the evidence that such a figure existed, came back...
Hell (and please don't give me cancer or starve my family for using that term, Father), it isn't even entirely bogus. The evidence for some sort of "historical Jesus Christ" isn't as unconvincing, moot, or flat-out non-existent as the evidence that such a figure existed, came back...
Frauds publish completely bogus papers like the Rogoff paper on debt and GDP growth to mislead people in order to support policies that make them feel good. I understand comparative advantage, both relative and absolute. I can tell from your post that you are so angry, which is why I know...
FREE DR. MALACHI Z YORK HE IS INNOCENT OF ALL THESE BOGUS CHARGES. Statement from Doc Sakina, Pauline and Nicole come home and lets beat these evils, by now you know what I have been teaching is true, the devil will betray you to, the things they promised you you didn't receive and...
Lee scrambles for pocket change during an interview via payphone; we also see that he isn’t above planting a bogus “out of order” sign on a courthouse payphone to “reserve” it for his own use after a verdict. The soundtrack includes one obvious, apt period pick: Kansas’ Carry ...
Hell (and please don't give me cancer or starve my family for using that term, Father), it isn't even entirely bogus. The evidence for some sort of "historical Jesus Christ" isn't as unconvincing, moot, or flat-out non-existent as the evidence that such a figure existed, came back...
Of course, we knew some of this already--the Nazis were charged by Soviet and Allied judges with the massacres at Katyn in Poland, which had obviously been ordered by Stalin and are now admitted to have been. And every now and then, a bogus Holocaust merchant makes an appearance. The ...