Shop Case knives, accessories, apparel, and knife cases. W.R. Case & Sons Company – built with integrity for people of integrity. Our knives are held to the highest standards by the people of Bradford, PA since 1889.
Case Knife Outlet, exclusive dealer of Case Knives. Buy Case XX Knives online including limited editions at Case Knife Outlet - Pocketknives, hunting knives, collector and Commemorative knives, Kitchen Cutlery, gift sets and accessories.
Medical ca·se·ate (kā′sē-āt′)·se·at·ed,ca·se·at·ing,ca·se·ates To undergo caseation. [Back-formation fromcaseation.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published...
2. a sheath or outer covering: a knife case. 3. a box with its contents: a case of soda. 4. the amount contained in a box or other container. 5. a pair or couple; brace: a case of pistols. 6. a surrounding frame or framework, as of a door. 7. a completed book cover ...
company produces the finest cases, in a large variety of colors and sizes that match the quality of case in which I expect to store my one-of-a-kind, hand-made knives. To this day, my company and I only use Bill's Custom Case ® for every knife we sell, as well as for my ...
Weekend Editor Beverly Braga has enjoyed an eventful career as a Swiss Army knife, having held roles as an after-school teacher, film critic, PR manager, transcriber, and video producer – to name a few. She is currently a communications consultant and freelance writer. Latest Oct 1, 2024...
Segmentation works just like any framework, and like a Swiss Army knife, it’s usually safe and easy to use. So if you’re unsure how to break things down, say these magic words: “At this point, I’d like to break down this X item, and one good way is to use the natural segme...
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Custom Knife Set Gift Case About Us Changzhou Chuangjin Case Co., Ltd., with more than 10 years' experience to satisfy your case requirements. As a manufacturer, our company can customize all kinds of aluminum cases,including tool case, cosmetics case, medical case, ABS case, equipment case...
Pocket knife United States Patent D529363 Inventors: Freer, Scott D. (Cyclone, PA, US) Sullivan Jr., John A. (Bradford, PA, US) Application Number: 29/228809 Publication Date: 10/03/2006 Filing Date: 04/28/2005 Export Citation: ...