🚩write in front🚩 🔎大家好,我是謓泽,希望你看完之后,能对你有所帮助,不足请指正!共...
select c.base_id,case when c.type is not null then c.type else g.type end as type, c.function_idwhere c.type='privelleged'; --- where clause is not working as expected 我在上面的query.The where子句中遗漏了什么如何在Oracle中实现这一点。 提前感谢 浏览43提问于2021-02-25得票...
1) Decode cannot be used in Where clause but Case can. 2) In Decode Else can be specifed in the statement it self but in Case a seperate statement has to be written. Was this answer useful? Yes 1 Replyg_sidhu Feb 7th, 2008 DECODE can be used Only inside SQL statement, But...