Note: Excel VBA automatically adds the Is keyword when using comparison operators. Explanation: Excel VBA uses the value of the variable score to test each subsequent Case statement to see if the code under the Case statement should be executed. 4. Write the value of the variable result to c...
VBA SELECT CASE is a statement to test multiple conditions. In this statement, you can specify one condition and then specify a code to execute if that condition is true and then specify a second condition and a code to run if that condition is true. In this way, you can specify multipl...
In VBA Switch Case, when we need to logically check or analyze a condition and execute the different lines of codes based on the same, we use IF-Else conditional statement. Similarly, there is one more statement Switch Case which is more widely known as Select Case statement which can check...
/bin/bash read -p "请输入[1-3]数字:" a case "$a" in 1) echo "1" ;; ...
Visual basic(VBA)电脑 方法/步骤 1 1.点击鼠标右键选择新建一个Excel表格。2 2.根据自身的需要输入对应项目,然后制定判断规则。作者这里为90以上为优秀;80到90为良好;70到80为中等;60到70为一般。3 3.选择开发工具选项中的“宏”选项。4 4.输入判断规则的名称,然后点击“创建”按钮。5 5.写入判断成绩...
Excel VBA教程:使用case语句实现多分支判断执行 1、Excel VBA的case判断语法结构 Select Case 变量或表达式 Case Is 判断条件1 如果判断条件1成立为真时执行的代码段 Case Is 判断条件2 如果判断条件2成立为真时执行的代码段 Case Is 判断条件N 如果判断条件N成立为真时执行的代码段 Case else 如果以上判断条件...
Checking Whether a Cell Contains a String Using Excel VBA Select CaseWe wish to select a range of cells and figure out whether the cells contain a specific String value.Here’s the code you’ll need.Sub String_Contains() Dim cell As Range For Each cell In Selection If InStr(1, cell, ...
Case语句是ExcelVBA中用于根据不同条件执行不同操作的语句。它类似于Switch语句,可以通过指定一个或多个可能的值来匹配条件。 Case语句的语法如下: Select Case expression Case value1 '执行操作1 Case value2 '执行操作2 Case value3 '执行操作3 Case Else '如果所有条件都不符合,则执行此操作 End Select 在Ca...
Case "你好"公式 = iif(rng1-rng2>rng3, Application.Max(rng1 , 200)+ rng3, rng1 + rng2 + rng3 )iif类似工作表函数IF
EXCEL图文教程:VBA条件语句入门级教程 编按:关于宏,条件语句是最常用的语句之一,条件语句是根据判断结果执行不同的过程,也就是“如果是……就进行……”。只有掌握了宏程序的条件语句,才能应用起来得心应手。这篇文章的目的,是介绍条件语句,其实条件语句只有两种:“IF…Then…Else”语句,“Slecct…Case”语句。