Finally, it’s an overview of the switch case in shell scripting. So far we have discussed what is switch case, its syntax, how it works, its flow using a flow diagram and example, different examples to show use cases of switch case statement in shell scripting. I hope after reading th...
bin/bash#filename=what-lang-do-you-like.shecho"What is your preferred scriptiong language"read-p"1)bash 2)perl 3)python 4)ruby:"langcase$langin1)echo"You secected bash";;2)echo"You secected perl";;3)echo"You secected python";;4)echo"You secected ruby";;*)echo"i do not konw...
[root@localhost shell]# sh What is your preferred scripting language? 1) bash 2) prel 3) python 4) ruby 5) I do not know ! 5 I do not know! [root@localhost shell]# 实例2 #!/bin/bash echo -n "Do you agree whith this? [yes or no]: " read yn case $yn in [Yy]...
/bin/bash read -p "请输入[1-3]数字:" a case "$a" in 1) echo "1" ;; ...
批量修改文件名 forfilenamein*foo*;doechomv\"$filename\" \"${filename//foo/bar}\"; done > rename.txt 修改头文件包含 find . -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -e "s#enum_#enum/#p" {} \; >1.txt 参考:
1. Create the shell script: vi filelist.shCopy 2. Enter the following lines to the file: #!/bin/bash for file in $(ls) do Extension=${file##*.} case "$Extension" in sh) echo "Shell script: $file";; md) echo "A markdown file: $file";; ...
What is the shell? The shell is a special program used as an interface between the user and the heart of the UNIX operating system, a program called the kernel, as shown in Figure 1.1. The kernel is loaded into memory at boot time and manages the system until shutdown. It creates and...
Uses only shell builtin utilities, which avoids the overhead of invoking external binary utilities in a new process Avoids sub-shells, which incur performance penalties Uses shell mechanisms that are compiled and optimized for performance, such as global string replacement within variables, variable su...
from Chapter 13 / Lesson 28 2.6K This lesson will cover Bash scripting in the bash shell. The Bash shell is the standard for Linux operating systems. Sample scripts are provided; introductory tasks as well as some more complicated examples are explained in detail. Related to...
Bash Scripting – Conditional Statements Table of Contents Case statement syntax Example 1 – Calculator using case statement Example 2 – Creating multiple patterns in single clause Example 3 – Pattern matching in case statement Example 4 – Get user confirmation ...