Cannot update the view or function "CTE" because it contains aggregates or a DISTINCT clause. Cannot use an aggregate or a subquery in an expression used for the group by list of a GROUP BY clause. Cannot use the ROLLBACK statement within an INSERT-EXEC statement. Cant Drop Table c...
I have a delete statement: My original Delete: DELETE FROM TableName A WHERE SCHED_SURGERY_TM >= TRUNC(sysdate)-90 Now I need to delete based upon...
The CASE statement in the WHERE clause can conditionally filter rows based on defined criteria. The syntax for the CASE statement in the WHERE clause is shown below. The CASE expression matches the condition and returns the value of the first THEN clause. If none of the conditions are true, ...
2 - A case function returns a value so we need to compare that value with something in order to have a logical expression in the where clause. > WHERE > CASE > WHEN@ActiveEmployees= 1 THEN TerminatedDate IS NULL > WHEN@ActiveEmployees= 0 THEN TerminatedDate IS NOT NULL > ELSE --...
Instead of using a CASE expression, use a combination of AND-OR conditions: WHERE (@BankName IS NOT NULL AND @BankName LIKE 'AB%' AND b.BankName LIKE 'AB%') OR (@BankName IS NOT NULL AND @BankName NOT LIKE 'AB%' AND b.BankName NOT LIKE 'AB%') OR (@BankName...
WHERE CustID = ISNULL(@CustID, CustID) This is basically the same as writing a CASE expression in that it will not use an index on our column and doesn't implement solid boolean logic. Converting that IF to a simple boolean expression results in a nice WHERE clause of: ...
执行语句如下: SELECT * FROM stud GROUP BY saddress; 显示了如下错误: ERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #1 of SELECT list...顺利的通过了,但是,你发现没有,前面的smo,sname,age,这3列的数据不对啊,没错,MySQL强行显示第一次查找到的saddress不同的行了!!!...其实这个结果是不对,但是MySQL应该是兼容...
How to join to a CASE expression You can also join tables usingcase. For example, you may have a table of exam grades you want to link to the exam results. Use the case expression in the join clause like so: As withwhere, joining tocaselimits the optimizer. If you find yourself ...
结合两个select语句结果,可以有重复 union:结合两个select语句结果,消除任何相同的行 minus:从第一个select结果中消除第二个select...结果 intersect:只返回同时出现在两个select语句中的行 十三、 PL/SQL declare begin 语句 case selector when expression then sequence_of_statements; when expressi...
0 ORA-00905: missing keyword error in case after where clause 0 "ORA-00905: missing keyword" for case statement 0 Getting a missing keyword error in CASE WHEN statement 1 ORA-00905: Missing keyword in CASE expression 1 Missing Keyword when using Case in Where clause ...