Bars represent the empirical p values calculated by the SNPsea algorithm. The significance of gene enrichment for a specific annotation was assessed using one-sided p value cutoffs at the 0.05 level, represented by vertical dashed and solid lines. The unadjusted p value cutoff was used for the...
Maria Cristina Da Silva Cortinhas aIleana Ortega aSarah de Souza Alves Teodoro aMaíra Proietti aArianna Masello cRalf Kersanach bRoberta Barutot aRony Roberto Ramos Vieira aCarla Firpo dCecilia Mauna d
Hence, this paper introduces a systematic, transferable and proactive framework determining the risk resulting from an open sea collision involving a RoPax. When it comes to describing the evolution of the accident the framework attempts to capture the causality, which makes the framework systematic....
23 August 2016 Péter Badankó1, Gábor J. Halász2 & Ágnes Vibók1,3 The present theoretical study is concerned with the vibrational trapping or bond hardening, which is a well-known phenomenon predicted by a dressed state representation of small molecules like H2+ and D2+ in an...
WTO (2001); Thorstensen et al. (2013), p. 73. 29. According to the Report of the Work Group on the Accession of China: “Several members of the Working Party noted that China was continuing the process of transition towards a full market economy. Those members noted that under those ...
Increased sympathetic and parasympathetic activity may result in tachyarrhythmia or bradyarrhythmia (Panciera et al., 1988). A diagnosis of tetanus is usually based on the clinical signs. In some cases a wound may be detected. Blood samples for complete blood count (CBC) and biochemistry will ...
used to meet th e needs of users.I n ad dit ion,n et metering users c an b enefi t fr o m tax d ed uction fo r bu ilding renov at io ns th at are not co mpatible w ith feed-in incentives.In this case the grant is confi g ured as a tax d iscount congruent...
Therefore, the evapotranspiration between the oasis and the desert should be a crucial factor in determining the OCI. Therefore, the OCI can be expressed as a function of the difference between evap- otranspiration (ET ) in the desert and oases: OCI = f (∆ET ) (2) Based on the ...
Another noteworthy study by Li et al. proposed a novel path planning strategy utilizing deep reinforcement learning and Artificial Potential Field with a Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) collision avoidance function [11]. They addressed the ...
aAl cscimorpdliincigtlyya, nthdeitsstrfuorcetucarsetionfgtahcecuTraancky m[32o–d3e5l]i.sTehaesiTlaynuknmdoerdsetlanindcalubdlee.sFionrtearcmonondeecltiwonitsh btehtrweeeetnanvkasr(ia3t-iToannsk)i,notuhtepuntusmthbreorugohf ttahnekssi,dseidoeutoleutstleotfs,thaenfdirsbtottatonmk (olo...