Connect Case Center Inbox 有了Connect Case Center Inbox,技工室可使用他们惯用的软件,同时不妨碍全权访问患者病例。 快速安全地数据传输——无需再通过电子邮件、USB或在线数据传输提供商来传输数据。通过Inbox,技工室可立即从上述网站下载数据,整个流程安全且有保障。
1. 登录Connect Case Center Inbox,在主界面上,点击齿轮图标打开设置窗口: 2. 在设置窗口中,确保启用“自动下载”。 然后单击“编辑脚本”。 3. 确保启用"Open in exocad" 和 "Save As exocad"选项。然后,单击"Save As exocad" 旁边的“...”图标“;在打开的下列菜单中,单击“编辑”: 4. 在打开...
all the support you need, wherever you need it. visit the help center known issues developer documentation communities back communities meet people, learn skills, find apps and experts, and share feedback by joining salesforce communities. explore communities trailblazer c...
In the site map of Customer Service admin center, select Case Settings in Customer Support. The Case Settings page appears. Select Manage for Other Settings. On the Service Configuration Settings page, scroll to the Resolve case dialog section, and then select Customizable dialog from the ...
with a personal touch. One particularly powerful feature of SmartAdvocate’s Outlook integration is the “Who Is Where Tomorrow” feature. This tool can look at everyone’s calendars and send an automated email to your inbox every morning outlining where each employee is scheduled to be that ...
Shopify Inbox Kundvård. Shopify e-post Lär känna din målgrupp. Få insikter om kunderna Hantera Sköt affärsverksamheten. Följ upp försäljning, ordrar och analyser Mät resultaten. Analyser och rapporter Hantera ditt lager och dina ordrar. Lager- och orderhantering Aut...
11 Non-Stop Recruiting of Irresistible Contact Center Agents Read More Podcasts Ep. 10 The Power of Listening in Your Career Read More Blogs Part 3: Supporting WAH Employees, Three Pillars of Seasonal Staffing in the BPO Industry Read More Podcasts Ep. 9 The Trust Building Imperative in...
Case のマイルストン (顧客サポートプロセスの必要なステップ) を表します。このオブジェクトは、API バージョン 18.0 以降で使用できます。
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