python 里面没有case语句,c语言里面有switch case语句 case $command in start) s=$Starting $prog (via systemctl): ;; stop) s=$Stopping $prog (via systemctl): #! /bin/bashread-p 请输入你的字符,并按enter确认 : keycase$keyin[a-z]|[A-Z])echo您输入的是字母, ;; [0-9])echo您输入...
case $variable in *) command1;; esac 在这个例子中,当没有模式与变量的值匹配时,执行command1。这可以用作默认情况下的操作,类似于switch语句中的default部分。 总之,case命令是Linux系统中一种强大的条件控制结构,可以根据变量的不同值来执行不同的操作。它可以使用多种模式匹配方式,包括单个模式、多个模式、通...
$ echo ' echo -n "Please enter a nummber or letter: "' >> cs @ edu in ~ [19:01:08] $ echo ' read c' >> cs @ edu in ~ [19:01:08] $ echo ' case $c in ' >> cs @ edu in ~ [19:01:08] $ echo ' 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9) echo "...
一、Shell分支语句case···esac语法 case 值 in 模式1) command1 command2 command3 ;; 模式2) command1 command2 command3 ;; *) command1 command2 command3 ;; esac 说明:case后为取值,值后为关键字 in,接下来是匹配的各种模式,每一模式最后必须以右括号结束。 值可以为变量或常数。 模式支持正则表...
格式case变量名invalue1)command;;value2)command;;*)commond;;esac 在case程序中,可以在条件中使用|,表示或的意思, 比如 2|3) command ;; shell脚本案例 代码语言:javascript 复制 #!/bin/bash read-p"Please input a number: "nif[-z"$n"]then ...
for file in /path/to/dir/*do echo $filedone上述代码中,file为循环变量,/path...while truedo read input if [ "$input" = "exit" ] then break fi echo $inputdone上述代码中,...case语句case语句的语法如下:case expression in pattern1) command1 ;; pattern2) command2...restart) echo "...
top字段说明:PID、USER、PR:RT表示实时优先级、NI:nice值、VIRT:虚拟内存集、RES:常驻内存集、SHR共享内存大小、S:进程状态、%CPU、%MEM、TIME+:累计占用cpu时间、COMMAND:启动此进程的命令 htop:是一个 Linux 下的交互式的进程浏览器,可以用来替换Linux下的top命令 ...
I needed a larger disk for building some source code in linux, but am getting a "Please move your source tree to a case-sensitive filesystem" error when building, and trying to enable case sensitivity via case=dir in the [automount] options of /etc/wsl.conf causes this 'permission denied...
Open the Linux distribution you will be using (ie. Ubuntu). Change directories up until you see theetcfolder (this may require you tocd ..up from thehomedirectory). List the files in theetcdirectory to see if awsl.conffile already exists (use thelscommand, orexplorer.exe .to view the...
Specification changes (updates to WebDriver command specifications) Internal updates (everything related to internal scripts, governance documentation and CI files) Checklist I have read theCONTRIBUTINGdoc I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works ...