阿里云在2023年4月发布“通义千问”的同时宣布将基于大模型“重做”一系列应用,已推出“通义听悟”工作学习AI助手,提供高精度的语音转写、文件转写、翻译、智能生成纪要和待办,大幅提 升用户在会议、学习、访谈场景下的生产效率。在更广泛的协同办公场景中,钉钉接入“通义千问”大模型。在个人办公场景,用 户可通...
Our AI operates beyond the confines of predefined structures or styles, ensuring that user stories in any format are transformed into high-quality test cases, without the need for altering your storytelling methods. Enhanced Tracking With unique IDs linking test cases with user stories, traceabilit...
Aivatar GoSkinning 利用 AI 技术,实现了一键自动蒙皮,如下图所示,用户仅需要提供角色的 3D 模型及骨骼,GoSkinning 可以自动预测出每个顶点需绑定的关节及其相对应的权重。与人工蒙皮的效率对比,对于简单贴身衣物,人工蒙皮通常需要 1~1.5 天,而 GoSkinning 几乎不需要人工处理,或仅通过简单调整就能达到或超过人工蒙皮...
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BEIJING, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- Large models based on algorithms, computing power and big data have become the mainstream of AI development, and have continuously empowered China's economic development. As of October 2023, 238 big models have been launched in China, according to official data. ...
LILT’s platform can deliver up to a 30X character throughput boost in inference performance compared to equivalent models running on CPUs. In addition, the NVIDIA AI platform enables LILT to scale their model size by 5X with significant improvement, not only in latency, but also in quality. ...
Think Silicon®, the leading provider of ultra-low-power GPU IP for embedded systems, will showcase its latest graphics and AI solutions for edge computing devices in Hall 4, Booth 476 at Embedded World 2023 taking place in Nuremberg, Germany from Marc
此次领导层变动基于Aon plc的新闻稿声明。 在其他近期新闻中,Aon plc发布了重要公告,并在第四季度财报后收到不同分析师的反应。公司宣布Michael Neller将从首席会计官和全球主管转任全球人力资源副总监。Aon尚未任命继任者,但正在积极寻找新的首席会计官。同时,Aon的财报业绩促使多家投资公司调整其股票目标价。Keefe,...
因此,Flowith AI 联合微博 AI 、小红书科技薯、即刻平台共同推出 2025 第一场 Agent 创作大赛,同时邀请特工宇宙等头部 AI 科技媒体与社区作为评委嘉宾,结合大众评选的方式,一起完成这次 Agent 创作盛事。 参赛者将获得各大平台的流量支持和科技公司的奖励,更有机会获得最终的现金大奖。
(Xinhua) -- "CES can be a stage for iFLYTEK and other Chinese companies to showcase themselves," said Li Chuangang, vice president of iFLYTEK during the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, adding that the Chinese leading Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered speech and language...