On rebooting my machine, Cascadia mono font used by VS appears to be missing. Cascadia code is still there. VS fallsback to using courier new.Fixed In: Visual Studio 2022 version 17.4.4Visual Studiowindows 10.0visual studiovisual studio 2022 version 17.1 ...
Warning Unable to find the selected font "Cascadia Mono". "Consolas" has been selected instead. Please either install the missing font or choose another one. Additional information Other applications, Microsoft Word, Paint.NET, show theCascadia Monofont and allow usage without any issues....
Incomplete Nerd Font Glyphs. #787 openedNov 25, 2024bya-usr Geometric Shapes triangle characters don't fill whole cells #783 openedNov 8, 2024byWukuyon 4 Missing glyphs for some icons #781 openedOct 23, 2024byrivnakm 1 Cascadia mono, when used in PowerPoint, does not print correctlyIssue...
The font was missing a gasp table, which impacted some hinted display scenarios. (#193) As in 1911.20, this release includes Cascadia Mono, a version of Cascadia that doesn't have ligatures (#80) and Cascadia (Code|Mono) PL, a version of Cascadia that has embedded powerline symbols (#...
Added missing vietnamese anchors on acute and grave (futureproofing). Corrected / made consistent greater & less positioning in </> and <$> related ligatures. Otherwise reviewed hinting Assets3 👍13Apoorva-Shukla, diegosparente, dkmin, pinocoding, mxxm0x, SatisfiedMagma, mohanadft, DhaneshAb...