2、 or other tools that can be used to address specific CASAS competenciesView sites online that students can use to build the skills they need for the CASAS testsQuick review of CASAS tools Class Profile by CompetencyBasic Skills Content Standards by Test Item CorrelationsTask AreasSample Test ...
Step1:AdministerappropriateCASASpre-test Step2:ScoretheassessmentStep3:Identifyprioritycompetencies usingtheClassPerformancebyCompetencyreport LifeandWorkReadingForm83ClassProfilebyCompetency(ManualReport)Step3–Identifyprioritycompetencies “Steps”continued–10 Step4:Identifythebasicskillscontentstandardsrelatedtothe...
23、nizersText Structure TableFreeologyOracle ThinkQuest“Google”graphic organizers for many more choicesLynncalmkinddoes fun thingsmakes good mealsreads books at quiet timehugs each child*Source:marshalladulteducation.orgSites for Reading SamplesMarshall Adult Education Reading Skills for Todays Adults1 ...
Without this correction, the probability of accepting a false H0 would increase, thereby decreasing the power of the test. 4.1. Parameters Estimated [27] The parameters used to estimate future changes on wave conditions are divided into mean wave climate (median Hs, median Tp, frequencies of ...
“Google” graphic organizers for many more choices cal m reads Lyn books at n quiet makes time good meals *Source: marshalladulteducation.org kind does fun things hugs each child Sites for Reading Samples Marshall Adult Education – Reading Skills for Today’s Adults 100 free Short English ...