1、CASAS TOOLS TO AID INSTRUCTION LOW INTERMEDIATE ESLMarty OlsenJune 11, 2019martha.olsengmailmnabeassessmentObjectivesReview tools CASAS provides to aid teachers in lesson-planningDiscuss specific skills that should be addressed at Low Intermediate ESL levelView sites online that provide lesson plans ...
2、or other tools that can be used to address specific CASAS competenciesView sites online that students can use to build the skills they need for the CASAS testsQuick review of CASAS tools Class Profile by CompetencyBasic Skills Content Standards by Test Item CorrelationsTask AreasSample Test I...
Objectives ReviewtoolsCASASprovidestoaidteachersinlesson-planning DiscussspecificskillsthatshouldbeaddressedatLowIntermediateESLlevel ViewsitesonlinethatprovidelessonplansorothertoolsthatcanbeusedtoaddressspecificCASAScompetencies ViewsitesonlinethatstudentscanusetobuildtheskillstheyneedfortheCASAStests Qui...
online that students can use to build the skills they need for the CASAS tests Quick review of CASAS tools Class Profile by Competency Basic Skills Content Standards by Test Item Correlations Task Areas Sample Test Items – Level B Suggested Next Test charts Other Curricula Suggestions Curriculum ...