have taken the hysteria diagnosis into account. He also would have addressed the fact that the young woman's father no longer slept with his wife and had her daughter resting close to him in a bed separated from his own bed by a thin wall, thus allowing him to observe his daughter. Dur...
Shehadfoundoutfromthecoachman,whohadtakenherdaughteronthefirststageofherjourney,thatshehadalightedinfrontofthehouseinquestion,andhadgonedownthebackstreet。 Shetoldmethatthescullionhadconfessedthathehadtakenmeletterstwicefromhisyoungmistress,andthatMadelainesaidallthetimethatshewassurehermistressandIwereinlovewitheach...
Signora Bruni, your daughter has been duped by none other than Casanova. 布鲁尼 夫人 , 骗你 女儿 的 不是 别人 , 正是 卡萨诺瓦 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Casanova slept there in 1763. 卡萨诺瓦 ( 登徒子 ) 1763 年睡过 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Casanova in the 18th century was one of the fir...
His daughter began to recant, and would have warned him against the danger, but he, who was as firm as a Mussulman, kissed her again, saying, “The oracle is not wont to lie, and even if it does deceive me this time it will only be a fourth part of my fortune that I shall ...
I was putting my jewellery together in a casket when Clairmont announced a tradesman and his daughter, a pretty girl whom I had remarked at dinner, for since the departure of my fair Venetian I had dined at the table-d’hote by way of distraction. I shut up my jewels and asked them ...
…I’m angry that my daughter went to prison when she was a baby to be breastfed. And I’m angry that in twenty years’ time, or thirty years’ time when she comes back to me and asks ‘Dad, what did you do?’ The least I can do is say, ‘well I tried to make a film ...
have taken the hysteria diagnosis into account. He also would have addressed the fact that the young woman's father no longer slept with his wife and had her daughter resting close to him in a bed separated from his own bed by a thin wall, thus allowing him to observe his daughter. Dur...
Mdlle. Baletti was fifteen years old, and her mother had brought her up with care, had given her the best masters, virtue104, grace, talents, a good manner, tact105, a knowledge of society-in short, all that a clever mother can give to a dear daughter. After finding a pleasant ...