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CAS 提供了一种使用身份验证事件并将其记录到持久性存储中的工具。此功能类似于Audit log保留的记录,不同之处在于功能和存储格式是通过 CAS 本身而不是 Audit Engine 控制的。此外,虽然审计数据可用于报告和监控,但通过此功能存储到存储中的事件稍后可能会以历史方式进行评估,以评估身份验证请求、评估与它们相关的风...
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The site harbors a number of biocomputational online tools (Cleaner, Translator, NetPlasmit, Aligner, PatSearch, etc. for nucleotide and protein sequences) and half a dozen of software BioEdit “BioEdit is a biological sequence alignment edito...
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The new x11 version of CAS genesisWorld has a number of new customer centric functions, designed to help boost the way companies do business, by helping them to react quickly to their customers' needs. Product highlights include: The 'thinking' Picasso search, App Designer 3.0, transparent team...
Pseudo-random number generation Perfect forward secrecy Data-in-transit encryption Data-in-memory/processing Data-at-rest encryption Disk Block File Record Steganography 2.Implementations Crypto modules Crypto processors Cryptographic service providers
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