眼馋m4的cas打光许久,终于,汤上的太太@criisolatex制作了sims3的cas照明mod!感谢为sims3不断产出的作者太太!!! 【功能】这个模式改变了灯光在CAS中的布局方式。整体照明现在变得更加均匀和平滑,sims将看起来更接近原始的纹理。 从左到右的预览分别是原始版本、版本1和版本2之间的比较。 【兼容性】与1.67 1.69 版...
default cas lighting replacement for sims; softer glow and shadows; base game; conflicts with other cas lighting mods for sims, you can only install one such mod in your game! Both files work together, one is for lighting on sims, the other is for pets. If you have a pet addon, you ...
This mod increases the number of catalog panel columns in CAS. Three mod options are available: 3 columns, 4 columns and 5 columns.
//www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/gentle-cas-lighting/files/ 发丝光:https://simfileshare.net/download/3840679/ 边缘红光:https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/cas-lighting-citylight/files/ 侧面日光:https://www.simfileshare.net/download/3420485/ 烛光:http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4904027/...
📑 GENTLE CAS LIGHTING default cas lighting replacement for sims; softer glow and shadows; base game; conflicts with other cas lighting mods for sims, you can only install one such mod in your game! Both files work together, one is for lighting on sims, the other is for pets. If you...