广州大学教务系统登录入口:https://cas.gzhu.edu.cn/cas_server 广州大学教务管理系统通过广西大学信息门户网站进入。 技术服务联系方式 服务部门:广州大学网络与现代教育技术中心 办公地点:图书馆副楼3楼 办公时间:周一至周五上午08:30-12:00 下午13:30-16:30 服务电话:39366372、39366373 服务邮箱:service@gzhu....
Jian-Kang Zhu Southern University of Science and Technology, China zhujk@sustech.edu.cnhttps://iab.sustech.edu.cn/Research-details-id-27-pid-6.html Lanqin XiaInstitute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural...
[28].CRISPR/ Cpf1 系统与 Cas9 系统在功能原理上相似, 但与 Cas9 系统相比,存在着以下差别.首先,Cpf1 相关 的 CRISPR 阵列在转录为成熟的 crRNA 的过程中, 无需 tracrRNA 和 RNase III 参与 ;其二,Cas12 识别 富含 T 的更长的 PAM 序列"TTTN",Cas9 识别富含 G 的 PAM 序列"NGG";其三,Cpf1 蛋白...
首先打开 deployerConfigContext.xml 文件,看下面的定义: <!-- | Resolves a principal from a credential using an attribute repository that is configured to resolve | against a deployer-specific store (e.g. LDAP). --> <bean id="primaryPrincipalResolver" class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principa...
Cas12a 倾向于识别原间隔序列邻近基序 (protospacer adjacent motif,PAM) 中富含 T 的双链 DNA(dsDNA) 序列, 不同种类 Cas12a 的 PAM 序列存在一定差异.目前,最常用的 LbCas12a 和 AsCas12a 的 PAM 序列为 5'-TTTN-3'(V 包含 A, C,G 和 T),FnCas12a 的 PAM 序列为 5'-TTN-3'. Cas12a 在 ...
G The relative expression level of SLC7A11 in PDAC cell lines. H, I Proportion of PI-positive dead cells after cultured in a glucose-free medium for 12 h and treated with 0.5 mM DTT or 1 mM TCEP in PDAC cells. The results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. J Fluorescence staining of ...
In contrast to CBE, adenine base editor (ABE), composed of a Cas9n and an adenosine deaminase effector, induces A:T>G:C conversions[62] (Fig. 2). Adenosine deaminase deaminates adenosines (A) to inosines (I), which are recognized as guanosines by DNA polymerase during DNA replication[...
2e). In addition, western blot analysis proved that the depletion of CASC9 reduced the expression levels of the cell cycle-related proteins cyclin D1 and CDK2, which are closely related to G1 cell cycle arrest (Fig. 2f). Therefore, these results suggested that knockdown of CASC9 might ...
K/G/A/S, kanamycin/gentamycin/ampicillin/spectinomycin resistances. Simplifying DNA assembly rules as far as possible is a key part of standardization efforts for synthetic biology. MISSA has a simple, main rule for DNA assembly: site-specific recombination reactions must occur between two loxP ...