我想用 cas.fulleditmode 来修改小人的身材,但有人说用了这指令会弄乱家庭关系,如网上说的儿子变成...
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?Turn on cas.fulleditmode. Go into CAS with a pre-existing family or generated NPC family and try to change their relationship to Household Member. What happens when the bug occurs?Can't change family members to be just household members. ...
I did some testing, and milestones will never appear for anyone if you enter CAS via the cas.fulledit mode cheat on a preexisting family and add any pet after. The same occurs when you add an infant, toddler or child or reassign sims as married etc, no milestones to fill in ...
(主要是我本来也没装啥mod,把N家挪出去照样这德行。) 电脑配置还行,玩m3不卡顿非常顺滑也不闪退,之前CAS也正常,每天开游戏前先删CAS和游戏缓存 求大神帮帮忙啦…… +1 分享112 模拟人生吧 吴世晗小盆友 【M3求助】cas.fulleditmode是不是对3不适用啊输入后显示找不到 哎 超级想帮npc整容 分享9赞 模拟...
While still in the cheat bar, type “cas.fulleditmode” (without the quotes) and hit enter. CAS full edit mode is now on in your game. CAS cheat mode will remain active until you turn it off through the console feature again using “fulleditmode 0” (testingcheats false)....
Okay, guys. It's absolutely the CAS.fulleditmode cheat. I was thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis close to calling it mod-related. We finished the Freelance Botanist aspiration, our bird friends gave us a golden treat and our golden chicken is upgrading all our plants so we...
I typed in cas.fulleditmode And I shift+click on my Sim. The options show up, but not all of them. I wanted to get rid of a moodlet my sim has. I click on "Cheat Sim Info..." And all that shows up is lock all motivated decay and add Sim preference. I can even modify in...
cas.fulleditmode does not add an option to CTRL-Click on any Sim so if you have such an option it must be added by a Mod you have installed. If you instead are talking about SHIFT-Click that is added by having testingcheats on. cas.fulleditmode off does turn this cheat off. Notice...
Ich habe testingcheats true eingegeben und dann cas.fulleditmode doch das einzige was da stand war cheats enabled - 7255354
I tried turning off the mods, and then turning them back on. I can't even modify my person back to how they were at the beginning because everything is locked out! Help! Make sure to use the 'cas.fulleditmode' before you go in to CAS. I can confirm that the cheat still works in...