return ["Hello " + attributes['givenName']]} 如果CAS服务器的作用域为,则eduPersonPrincipalName的最终值将是[Hello casuser],发布为urn:oid:,友好名称为eduPersonPrincipalName。 l正则表达式模式 定义属性定义以根据模式匹配规则有条件地生成值。如果属性定义要从现有的已...
特性与空气混合可爆; 在容器内高温易聚合发热引起爆炸可燃性危险特性易燃, 受热分解刺激气体储运特性库房通风低温干燥; 与氧化剂分开储运灭火剂雾状水、二氧化碳、泡沫、干粉职业标准TLV-TWA 6 毫克/立方米; TWA 30 毫克/立方米Preparation methods`Acrylic acid can be prepared in different ways, for example as ...
nucleophilic substitution reaction. Moreover, all the derivatives of almost happens in 2-position such as furfural, furfuryl alcohol and furan carboxylic acid. Furan can also have nitrification, halogenated, sulfonated reaction. Its diene bonds can also participate in addition reaction, for example, ha...
classVolatileFeaturesExample{volatile long vl=0L;//使用volatile声明64位的long型变量public void set(long l) {vl=l;//单个volatile变量的写}publicvoidgetAndIncrement(){vl++;//复合(多个)volatile变量的读/写}publiclongget(){returnvl;//单个volatile变量的读}} 假设有多个线程分别调用上面程序的三个方法...
p:name="HTTPS and IMAPS services on" p:serviceId="^(https?|imaps?|http?)://.*" p:evaluationOrder="0"> <!-- 基于正则表达式匹配代理端,以下这行不加的话代理端会被cas server拒绝 --> <property name="proxyPolicy">
it is insoluble in organic solvents such as ethanol. It has wide applications. For example, it can be used as a drying agent, buffering agent and a source of potassium in laboratory. It can also be used for the manufacturing of fire extinguishers, soap, glass, and soften water. In additi...
WHAT: TGT-*** ACTION: TICKET_GRANTING_TICKET_DESTROYED APPLICATION: CAS WHEN: Sat Jul 12 04:10:35 PDT 2014 CLIENT IP ADDRESS: ... SERVER IP ADDRESS: ... 票证ID 的尾端会保留一定数量的字符,以帮助进行故障排除和诊断。 日志消息摘要 ...
synthesis efficiency and quality of medicines; at the same time, acetonitrile is also sued as the solvent and the matrix for the reaction system. In addition, in the routine quality inspection of FDG, acetonitrile: water mixture (for example, 85% v/v) is also applied as the mobile phase ...
class VolatileFeaturesExample { volatile long vl = 0L; //使用volatile声明64位的long型变量 public void set(long l) { vl = l; //单个volatile变量的写 } public void getAndIncrement () { vl++; //复合(多个)volatile变量的读/写 }
The example of the three triazole derivative fungicides Triadimefon, Tebuconazole, Cyproconazole. Reprod. Toxicol. 32(2) , 220-6, (2011) The aim of the present work is the assessment of teratogenic effects of three triazole-derived fungicides (Triadimefon, FON, Tebuconazole, TEBU, Cyproconazole...